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by Jon D
January 17th, 2011, 7:12 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

That rustang has MF-10s on it y0.
by Jon D
January 17th, 2011, 1:03 am
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Sounds like Jess (wife). "How about you just don't speed".
by Jon D
January 17th, 2011, 12:50 am
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

I'd rather pay the fine for having the detector than get caught doing speeds that will cost you more money in fines, attorney fees, and loss wages due to jail time. VA is crazy!
by Jon D
January 17th, 2011, 12:23 am
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

As i'm sure Erik and Joe can attest to, there is definitely a learning curve with the detector. It's not a 100% layer of security, but can be a very valuable tool in terms of advanced notice. I still drive with the utmost caution when driving higher speeds.
by Jon D
January 16th, 2011, 11:56 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

V1 has payed for itself a thousand times at least....and keeps me out from behind bizzarz. Steve...i highly recommend you make the investment.
by Jon D
January 11th, 2011, 8:50 pm
Forum: Parts Classifieds
Topic: FS: Volk CE-28 Time Attacks 16x7 (1 of 4 sets)
Replies: 14
Views: 5268

Re: FS: Volk CE-28 Time Attacks 16x7 (1 of 4 sets)

For those who might be interested, i received a question on HT that i wanted to confirm. Included in the sale will also be the CenterCaps, Valve Stems, and Chrome colored Lugs that came with the wheels new. The POS i bought the wheels from never did include the Black RAYS lugs that i ended up having...
by Jon D
January 10th, 2011, 4:18 pm
Forum: Parts Classifieds
Topic: FS: Volk CE-28 Time Attacks 16x7 (1 of 4 sets)
Replies: 14
Views: 5268

Re: FS: Volk CE-28 Time Attacks 16x7 (1 of 4 sets)

I thought i had them sold in the first 24 hours actually, but the guy couldn't make up his mind between another set and mine. I made it simple, told him to buy the other guys LOL. I hate that shit, most of the time it is people looking for you to lower your price. I'm not that guy. I'll get what the...
by Jon D
January 10th, 2011, 3:18 pm
Forum: Parts Classifieds
Topic: FS: Volk CE-28 Time Attacks 16x7 (1 of 4 sets)
Replies: 14
Views: 5268

FS: Volk CE-28 Time Attacks 16x7 (1 of 4 sets)

Most know what these are, some do not! These were very special order, and to date i know of only 4 sets that exist and have been accounted for. Offset clears spoon calipers BTW. I believe they are either +42 or +43 without looking. I can confirm this for interested parties though. My apologies...obv...
by Jon D
December 11th, 2010, 10:29 pm
Forum: Cars for Sale
Topic: 1998 CW ITR - 55k miles
Replies: 8
Views: 4228

Re: 1998 CW ITR - 55k miles

To reiterate what everyone else has already stated, don't budge on asking price!
by Jon D
December 7th, 2010, 3:42 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Chris, i'm a bit cornfused bro. Is the goal to sell your cars and get out of debt? Or is the goal to sell your cars to become debt free but go right back into debt with the purchase of a new car? Maybe i'm misunderstanding something.
by Jon D
December 7th, 2010, 1:56 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Happy Birthday Steve!
Replies: 30
Views: 9616

Re: Happy Birthday Steve!

I guess we helped celebrate this

Happy Birthday bro! Great to hang out.
by Jon D
December 7th, 2010, 1:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: House Burning Party: December 4/5th
Replies: 198
Views: 44817

Re: House Burning Party: December 4/5th

I believe i was still recovering most of the day yesteday. As per usual, it was great getting together with what might be one of the mose unique group of individuals i know. Everyone brings something a little different to the table, which just makes hanging out all the better. Ryan, thanks for hosti...
by Jon D
November 25th, 2010, 10:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

GT5 + Works on Comps for living = uber nerd


It's cool though, i wish i were uber nerd.
by Jon D
November 25th, 2010, 8:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Replies: 39538
Views: 3562540

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

by Jon D
November 25th, 2010, 8:21 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Replies: 18
Views: 5835


I'm pretty sure my caloric intake today has been more than the past week combined.
by Jon D
November 25th, 2010, 9:40 am
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Replies: 18
Views: 5835


All.........just wanted to say that i hope each and everyone of you has a great holiday with your family and friends. For those traveling on the roads, be safe.

Eat. Sleep. Football. Eat. Football. Eat

by Jon D
November 21st, 2010, 2:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

So ummm yeah, all in all i'd say we did pretty good this year. LOL

Can't wait for these pics.
by Jon D
November 19th, 2010, 6:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

Oh BTW....a reminder for repeat attendees and a heads up for newcomers.......IT IS ALWAYS WINDY AND COLD AS SHIT IN THE PARKING LOT BEFORE WE HEAD INSIDE! DRESS APPROPRIATELY! Now that i've screamed this it will probably be unusually warm. :lol:
by Jon D
November 18th, 2010, 1:04 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

OBROCTO wrote:Please someone PM me with where it is in MD! Address will really help :D

Just google Shenanigans in Baltimore, MD.
by Jon D
November 16th, 2010, 6:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

Ugh....i debate returning the car to stock every week right now. I need a jorb badly!
by Jon D
November 16th, 2010, 3:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

Anyone looking for anything in particular parts wise? I'd love to clean out my garage a bit, pardon me...parent's garage. Off the top of my head: - 00-01 shift knob (minty) $100 - UKDM floor mats BNIB $150 - USDM black mats BNIB $140 - CE28N Time Attacks w/RT615s $1900 - Hamp Filters (medium and lar...
by Jon D
November 11th, 2010, 2:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

lol.... it's always someone different. Gotta love Tgibing meatz.
by Jon D
November 10th, 2010, 8:08 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ITR Expo 10 Pics Finally (100+ pics)
Replies: 21
Views: 5283

Re: ITR Expo 10 Pics Finally (100+ pics)

More people pics?

Great job though bro!
by Jon D
November 10th, 2010, 6:52 pm
Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
Topic: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th
Replies: 127
Views: 34009

Re: Thanksgiving Meatz NOVEMBER 20th

Who is bringing the necessary ingredients for bombs in teh parking lot?

<---Jon who is poor these days Dizzle.