Search found 3523 matches
- January 26th, 2011, 8:28 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Yeah, we get that once in a while. Craziest and scary was when we were out hunting. Heavy snows(4" per hour), skies/air was pink, and lightning flashing all over.....and me out under a tree with a lightning rod aka 12ga Mossberg.
Man....did I ever haul ass out...

- January 26th, 2011, 5:07 pm
- Forum: ITR Expo 11 Discussion
- Topic: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
- Replies: 516
- Views: 162514
Re: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
Appreciate the offer mang!00TypeR1071 wrote:Doespike wrote:According to Google Maps...my best route is thru Chicago, going on thru Omaha, Denver, Vegas, Cali.
Joe, feel free to crash at my place if you decide to sleep over/stop by in Chi-Town.
I can't take time off work to make the drive but I might fly in.
- January 26th, 2011, 4:23 pm
- Forum: ITR Expo 11 Discussion
- Topic: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
- Replies: 516
- Views: 162514
Re: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
According to Google Maps...my best route is thru Chicago, going on thru Omaha, Denver, Vegas, Cali.
- January 26th, 2011, 3:44 pm
- Forum: ITR Expo 11 Discussion
- Topic: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
- Replies: 516
- Views: 162514
Re: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
<--planning to make the dRive...where ever Expo will be 

- January 26th, 2011, 12:58 pm
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: 1998-0551 Reconstructed
- Replies: 10
- Views: 19745
Re: 1998-0551 Reconstructed
Very awesome mang!! Helluva project 

- January 26th, 2011, 12:30 am
- Forum: Motorsports
- Topic: 2011 Track Schedule
- Replies: 46
- Views: 50280
Re: 2011 Track Schedule
Absolutely. It's definitely more Expo type fun with peeps. I liked the track though for learning how to dRive too....n00b friendly.Erik95LS wrote:WMHM is a lot of fun, but gingerman pales in comparison to MO
- January 26th, 2011, 12:23 am
- Forum: Motorsports
- Topic: 2011 Track Schedule
- Replies: 46
- Views: 50280
Re: 2011 Track Schedule
WMHM is always awesome....I think there will be a good turn out this year.
I'm definitely down once or twice for M-O. Glen in '11 for shoore t00.
I'm definitely down once or twice for M-O. Glen in '11 for shoore t00.
- January 25th, 2011, 2:45 pm
- Forum: Parts Classifieds
- Topic: Discount on OEM parts Acura of Pembroke Pines
- Replies: 35
- Views: 12060
Re: Discount on OEM parts Acura of Pembroke Pines
oooooo, armrest. Thought those were discontinued and unavailable throughout the dealer network.
- January 24th, 2011, 7:45 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
I wouldn't mind getting my hands on his BNIB CWs someday... :) No need. Just refurbish a set. Jim's look stellar. I'm sure they do.....just saying if I had some $$ I didn't know what to do with :P <--laZy has had his set of OEMs "stripped" and waiting repaint for almost 2 years now :lol: ...
- January 24th, 2011, 4:33 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
I wouldn't mind getting my hands on his BNIB CWs someday... 

- January 24th, 2011, 4:12 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Soooo hot!! (Not mine)

- January 24th, 2011, 11:31 am
- Forum: Events and Meets
- Topic: Feb 19-20th Annual Gunz and Booze and FIRE meatz
- Replies: 195
- Views: 89601
Re: Feb 19-20th Annual Gunz and Booze and FIRE meatz
Sucks to hear mang......could yoo give the floor mat to Nate (if he dun mind) so he can bring to meat?
- January 24th, 2011, 10:33 am
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Only -7 here with windchill of -28.
Only -7 here with windchill of -28.
- January 24th, 2011, 12:31 am
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: I'm BACK!.............(Kinda)
- Replies: 15
- Views: 9925
Re: I'm BACK!.............(Kinda)
Yeah.....way too clean to hang around here
Welcome back 

- January 23rd, 2011, 9:53 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Looking goot 

- January 23rd, 2011, 2:23 pm
- Forum: Events and Meets
- Topic: Feb 19-20th Annual Gunz and Booze and FIRE meatz
- Replies: 195
- Views: 89601
Re: Feb 19-20th Annual Gunz and Booze and FIRE meatz
Tentatively, I'm getting there Friday evening and leaving early Sunday...oh boy, haha
- January 23rd, 2011, 1:24 pm
- Forum: Events and Meets
- Topic: Feb 19-20th Annual Gunz and Booze and FIRE meatz
- Replies: 195
- Views: 89601
Re: Feb 19-20th Annual Gunz and Booze and FIRE meatz
This route..12.5hrsDave_B wrote:Joe, which route are you coming?
Any other NE'ers coming down?

- January 23rd, 2011, 1:05 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Good stuffErik95LS wrote:BTCC on Speed!

- January 22nd, 2011, 6:09 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT section Photo thread
- Replies: 633
- Views: 120873
Re: The OT section Photo thread
HOT! Love that ^^ 

- January 22nd, 2011, 1:20 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Deuce. He gave me a package deal on motor mounts, full sussy kit, endlinks and shifter bushes. Best thing I've done to that caR..B18CXr wrote:Contact "dohcgarage" on eBay. I have had great luck with him on the hardrace junk
- January 22nd, 2011, 12:15 am
- Forum: ITR Expo 11 Discussion
- Topic: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
- Replies: 516
- Views: 162514
Re: Expo 11 - Possible Event Location
The Honda Challenge idea has been scrapped.
- January 20th, 2011, 9:51 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Fan deleted here.
- January 20th, 2011, 5:02 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
What Erik said. Trust me, I wouldn't want one if I always had to fix em. LaZy. Preventative maintenance is the key....replace items before they fail. In my searching and lurking on the BMW forums...I've seen PLENTY of 180-250k mile E36s still running strong.
Check it out dude!!!
Check it out dude!!!

- January 20th, 2011, 2:00 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Yeah....don't think KBB is accurate here. It seems like a good deal from the others on the market.
- January 20th, 2011, 1:35 pm
- Forum: Off-Topic?...(please keep it clean)
- Topic: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
- Replies: 39538
- Views: 3562537
Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.
Yeah, all else equal I'd probably choose Avus over the Alpine but I ain't complaining
Werd...I had a guy do all of my bushings except the RTAs. He's a professional machinist with good equipment, ie no Harbor Freight junk.

Werd...I had a guy do all of my bushings except the RTAs. He's a professional machinist with good equipment, ie no Harbor Freight junk.