So I know a lot of you have done this or looped your steering lines or simply taken the belt off to get rid of your power steering. Some like it.....some don't. A big thanks to Matt (Dropspeed) for first going through this and making the info available. Looping the lines full of fluid or simply taking the belt off will of course disable your power steering, but it leaves you having to move all the fluid and air through the system and gives you a really heavy, hard to turn wheel. Properly looping the system on a power rack with a vent of some sort and minimal fluid to lubricate the rack as I have done will give you a much better feel and it's barely more effort than with power steering in place other than when stationary on wide, sticky tires.
There are a few kits on the market to do this, but most are pricey and/or hard to find. You can do this yourself for as little as $20 or take it on up to $120+. Just depends on what parts you decide to get. There's NO need for AN stuff. The vented rack does not create much pressure in the lines so there's really no point. I had credit with Pegasus though and nothing else to spend it on so I got all this stuff. I'm really happy with it though. And it looks cool

You really only need a metric pipe adapter with a hose barb on the other end. One is already in place on the other rack port so you only need the one. Then some rubber hose, a t-fitting, and some sort of breather and a place to mount it. You're just giving the air and fluid pressure from both ports someplace to go as the rack moves back and forth. So you run a hose ( or in my case AN piping) from both fittings to 2 of the ports on the T fitting and then hose from the remaining port to the breather. Add a bit of fluid to lubricate the rack (it will spit out what it doesn't need) and you're good to go. excellent steering feel with a nice controllable weight to it. Car feels like a whole new animal.
Here is a list of the parts I used.
1x adapter.
(If you wish to use no other AN stuff just get this barb adapter and place it on the fitting above and run your hose.
1x T-Fitting in -6
1x 180deg socketless -6 fitting
1x straight or angled socketless -6 fitting (up to you)
1x Female flare swivel connector in -6
and then about 4-6 feet of -6 socketless hose or any rubber hose about that size. Then you can connect the hose to whatever breather you want to use.
Now to pictures.
my breather and a bracket I made to mount it to.
As always feel free to ask any questions or add your own experiences/comments with this. Or if you found other cheaper solutions by all means post them.