Well my snow trip went fairly well. I couldn't make it back up my street so I took the long way around the neighborhood. I stopped at the light and got stuck in an uphill battle. I was there about 10-20 minutes. I think the main issue was that the warmer temps made everything mush on the lower layers. A guy in an Escalade was gracious enough to give me a push...otherwise I would have been stuck stuck. The car wouldn't make it past four feet up my driveway, so it's sitting outside.
dig out a spot in front of your driveway so you can get traction for a running start, you don't want that hog sitting on the side of the road. God knows who might slide into it.
I haven't been having fun because ere is nothing here ton have fun with. I really can't believe how much snow Fayetteville received and there just 45 min south of me where we received nothing at all. Yeah I'm jealous.
CivicBeater wrote:I haven't been having fun because ere is nothing here ton have fun with. I really can't believe how much snow Fayetteville received and there just 45 min south of me where we received nothing at all. Yeah I'm jealous.
Yeah it's pretty weird... Work is canceled for the 2nd day in a row, which would be wonderful if it didn't require you to burn vacation time on it, assholes.
Erik95LS wrote:I don't see how you could possibly not get that car up your driveway....
It wasn't easy. I took a 4' 2x4'' and scraped two lanes free. There is a packed layer of snow/ice beneath the surface. My treads from earlier in the day were frozen in RE010 fashion. If I hadn't driven over the snow yet it was a solid stuck to the concrete layer of thick ice. It took some work to get the GS-R in the garage.
So.... I have pushed 3 cars up the hill out front, saw 45+ neighbors with kids of all ages sledding/sliding, helped next door neighbor with his supposed 4x4 truck that only spun the rear wheels...
It's been a good day. I officially have 4 scraped knuckles. This Floridian doesn't have good winter gloves...
Brad/Dave...if I could get my hands on a lift for $1000. Either of your interested in chipping in? Yes it would require modifications to the garage. I'm willing to make those mods.
I just got done chipping Bef's car out of an ice block. She's got a meeting at 12, my work doesn't open at 1. Being that I usually only work until 4pm anyway, I'll probably dig my car out, go in and reboot a wonky server, and come back home.
We had a sleet/snow/freezing rain mix all night. It's a solid quarter-inch on the cars.
I've had beer at VIR, Summit Point, CMP, Roebling, Road Atlanta, BeaveRun, Gingerman, MAM, Lowe's Motor Speedway...
Seven-time ITR Expo participant