Please look at the little spring loaded scale thingy at the top left of the headlight, this one seems to be a lot larger than the one that is currently on my 98' R and on the other 2 sets of lights I have lying around (both 97 & 98 spec). Also appears to have a plug or something in the back of it. Please lend advice or info if you know what they are or why they are there because the only thing I can come up with is they are for DTRL from the canadian market or something from Europe somewhere.
Here is the difference, one on the right is in question, left one I know is USDM:
Here is the plug like thing I am talking about:
Here is back of USDM one, just a bolt:
Here is an extra pic, light pair on top is the odd set, light on bottom is USDM for comparison:
Thanks for any help,