Whats up everyone I just joined this site and so far Ive seen nothin but tight ass rides and I love ITR's, almost bought one but it had been stolen so i didn't. I have a 99 Civic Hatchback(hope no one hates civics) and I already pre-ordered my 00-01 ITR motor(they were out of stock)
Another reason why I have joined is to get the truth from you R owners because I am tired of hearing other people that have never even been in a Type R say "Why Turbo a B18C5/studid idea" "To high of compression" So i know you guys know the best solution for me. Based on your experiences could you guys tell me if you like supercharged or Turbo R's better. Sorry for the ignorance but you guys would have more knowledge than me on this on because I have only been in 1 Type R. Lookin foward to meeting everybody.
Well...... Thanks for embrassing me with open arms guys. (Is it because I have a Civic) I almost bought a Type R if that will get some people to respond here