There were a lot of great cars there. This is really a tough place to live..
in attendence we had....
Lotus Elise
Boosted S2ks
Boosted Miatas
Boosted Everything
But you don't care about that......... right???
So, here's a few of mine. ENJOY
Thanks to the Scooby guy who took the 2 pics above(I'll get your name soon)
Thanks to daishi for the pics above
I already can't wait for next year!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by get RIGHT on November 10th, 2005, 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Bbasso wrote:Looks like you had a crap load of fun!!! Good job
But holy batman!!! Suspenion extention to the max
yep....good ole stock suspension.
And a "lack of skill on my part."
I'm plowing thru those corners. I haven't learned to slow down yet.
Can't wait till one of them shocks blow out.
ITR640 wrote:Looks like a tight (tight being skinny, not m4d tizzight y0!!) course. Is that normal for that region?
I "think" this is the biggest course we run on. The course was actually 2 lots put together.
I bet one of the "Dragons" on this forum could better answer that question for us though. I haven't seen all the courses yet. But hopefully next year....
Here's the results if your interested.
On my best run I hit 1 cone, which =2 secs. If I hadn't hit it,....I "might" had placed. practice,practice=no cones