Figured it might be cool if anyone planning on attending Expo 6 could include 1 picture of their car and their full name so we can recognize each other when Expo time comes!
I'll start
Name: Tyler Witt
Car: 2000 Phoenix Yellow ITR
Last edited by Sprockett on December 15th, 2005, 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sprockett wrote:Figured it might be cool if anyone planning on attending Expo 6 could include 1 picture of their car and their full name so we can recognize each other when Expo time comes!
How about a picture of the people too, so we can REALLY recognize each other?
Chris Fries
Coming from Chicagoland
Look for the beat-up 1998 CW ITR with an intercooler, and flame-paint on the hood.
Best picture eveRRR (Helmet-hair and a grimace only Mom could love)
Look for the flame painted hood, if I haven't replaced it by then:
man i suck at the took me like 20 minutes to find these, and re-figure out how to put them up. this is my large self, in my tiny car... the wheels are black now, and the engine is built up, but its basically the same.
Last edited by redzcstandardhatch on December 16th, 2005, 6:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I know this doesn't have to really do with this thread but I had a question...
I noticed while looking at the ITR Expo pics. that some of the ITR's have blue or red tape on thier head lights and turn signals...why is that? What's the purpose?
keeps rocks from breaking them as easily, and if they do break, it holds them together...instead of putting crap on the track that could cut someone's tire.
Thanks...that makes sense...I was kind of thinking in that direction but I didn't want to say it and then be way off. So it's like painters tape basically right?
DC2user wrote:Thanks...that makes sense...I was kind of thinking in that direction but I didn't want to say it and then be way off. So it's like painters tape basically right?
Yes, its just plaing painter's tape.
WTB: Expo 6 driving spot.... Pretty pleeeze with sugar on top!