Ok, so I know I started this thread and it's about time we all get together and do something. Sorry the summer flew by and I couldn't get away from school/work.
Anyway, so people who want to participate should copy and paste the section below with their suggestions for a meet. Don't forget to include cost, attire, and anything important that might help people decide if they want to go!
-Estimated date(s):
-Estimated time(s):
-Other info.:
Ok, here's mine (but it might change with time):
-City: Phoenix/Tucson or up north for the cooler climate
-Estimated date(s): Any weekend, but that might change if I get a job.
-Estimated time(s): Any time
-Location(s)/event(s): I can't afford to go race, but I'm happy to watch. We could go for a scenic drive somewhere. Eh? Oh?
-Other info.: Ummmm, maybe when I think of specific events.
Ok, so I'll start looking for stuff to do and you people should post and hunt down others. I wouldn't even mind if other types of cars came - as long as they're not, you know, um... Nissan Sentras with R stickers.
By the way, am I the only R girl in AZ?