''I needed money''
''Why did you get a freaking Integra? You could of got a 300HP WRX, an SRT-4, a Mustang, etc...''
Then I take him out for a spin. I keep the revs down to 5000RPM.
''Man this is the most booooring car I've ever been in''
I then downshift and rev to 7000RPM
''Yo dude watch out you're gonna mess up your engine''
I then find a straight road, slow down, adjust mirror, ask him if he has his seatbelt....6000RPM, he starts to grab on to the door handle....
7500RPM to 8500RPM he just starts laughing like a moron and shouting out ''wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaa slow down I'm sorry ok ok this car is sick''
Now he's the one talking to everybody about my ''Integra''