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Post by NEVENCE7 »

:evil: On May 30th of 2006, for the very first time ever I felt so angry and heartbroken that I want to kill the person (F^%*%$ thief) who stole my baby. This is the event of that whole day, I left work at 1 AM with my boy and went to his house and I parked the car across the street. I properly locked my car up with autolock pro on my gas pedal and alphalock my back rear driverside wheel with the lock side faceing inward and then that alarm lock itself. So that was 1 something AM and we hang out on the step of the house to 3am and that was the last time i saw my car parked up. So we went in the house and hit the sheet. At 10am i was up and getting ready to go to my house. So my boy and I stepped outside and look across the street and disbelieve our eyes that where i parked the itr lastnight wasn`t there. So i thought it was a prank or something from my boy, so i asked him and he said, "why would I do something like that".....after he said that it hitted me hard that this is not a prank. So i ran across the street disregarding the traffic to where i parked my itr at and found one oem lug lock and one regular lug on the this moment i definitly know for sure my baby is i called the police and reported my car was stolen and then i called my XYZ GPS to find n locate the car and try to disable the car. After that i got active status of the car and the location where the car last moved to. So 20min later the cop came and i gave them the address to the location where the car might be found but the cop was useless b/c the address where the car is at was in another city and they can`t pass the city border. So i was mad as hell that i got the address and they cant do anything about it, but to tell me to call the other city's police and let them know what is going on. So i called the other police dept and told them where the car is and they told me to relax and they will look into i was thinking this is bullshit like it wasnt that important to i was that f$%^ this the car probably getting stripp right now while we waited for the cop to do their job, so my boy and i decied to go and find the car ourselves. so we went online to get the direction to that address and we head to that place and drove around looking for my baby and i remember that my alarm pager has a 1 mile range, so i was pressing the arm button repeatly until i got a lock status on the lcd screen....suddently a locked signal.....i was so happy that my baby is around somewhere nearby, so we parked and set on foot to find my baby and we walked around this address that we got and it was a public self-service five story parking lot so we searched from up top going down each level and i was pressing the arm button on my alarm pager and the status came back as lock but i dont hear any chirp we went down to level 2 and my boy suddently stopped me and told me to press the button again b/c he saw a light signal marker flashing and so i did and he pointed out where it was and we ran to it and discover it was my baby and there was noone inside the car. i was so happy in tears that i found my baby i called the cop and told them i found my car and later they came and file a recovery report( no thank to them).....i was happy that i found my baby but i was so mad when i saw my whole ignition ripped out, ecu was mess up, gas pedal was saw off, scratches all over the rear driverside rim, alarm siren was cut, and f%^& up my whole rear-end which was pushed f*&^%#@ mad!!! So i called the insurance (thank God for full coverage) it tow to a body shop(all oem part from japan gotta love my insurance).....AND now im waiting for my baby to get fix up like new again. Thank you for reading the saddest experience that i went through with my baby itr and sorry for any grammer typo.

p.s. to all the itr owner out there, what should i do better to keep this from happening again when i get my baby back from the body shop??? thank you for any advice that you can help me with. (another itr saves from being stripp to the f%$#@^ thief....hate them so much)
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Post by Doespike »

Real sorry to hear this! Glad you were able to recover the R without it being stripped. I've heard mixed reviews on the alphalock. Better off with a complete wheel boot with a steel plate that covers the lugs. They're more expensive and heavier, but definitely worth it. Also, how did they get to the alarm siren without setting it off? Have you relocated the hood release cable and reroute it thru the engine bay? Fuel cutoff switches? Tilt sensor?
Best of luck with the repairs! Hope you don't have to go throught this again!
-Joe - ITR RegistRar
98-0309...Born 1/22/1998.
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Post by Trellis »

thats some f@cked up shit! I know how you R was almost stolen last month from my job at 2PM....I just got my car back together...
so whats the deal with the place you found your car? Did the police arrest anyone yet....was the car just sitting there waiting to be taken a part.....I can't belive no one was there when you found it...pretty ballzy of u to go inside
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Post by NEVENCE7 »

Trellis wrote:thats some f@cked up shit! I know how you R was almost stolen last month from my job at 2PM....I just got my car back together...
so whats the deal with the place you found your car? Did the police arrest anyone yet....was the car just sitting there waiting to be taken a part.....I can't belive no one was there when you found it...pretty ballzy of u to go inside
it was a public parking lot that have five level and the itr parked up along with other like normal with the mess up rear-end facing the wall...... i think they was gonna let the car sit there until the night and probly move it to some location and stripp it......hey for me it feel like i was a mother that went looking for my baby when missing....get it man j/p
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Post by MR_B401 »

Very glad to hear you found your baby! Must've been a huge relief.

I'm not condoning violence or anything..but did you tell someone else where & what you guys were gonna do? Better safe than sorry...and you were strapped, right??

Well I hope all goes smoothely with the fix.

-let the paranoia continue...
keepin it N/A
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Post by keepin it N/A »

hey bro sry bout that shit im just glad those fukes didnt get to the B18C5 but heres sum advice find and buy a clutch club. its like the club for ur steering wheel but it goes behind ur clutch and is DAMN near indestructable. good luk see u on the streets.
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Post by redjdmdc2 »

keepin it N/A wrote:hey bro sry bout that chit im just glad those fukes didnt get to the B18C5 but heres sum advice find and buy a clutch club. its like the club for ur steering wheel but it goes behind ur clutch and is DAMN near indestructable. good luk see u on the streets.
sucks man but im glad you got it back man. i just told my brother that story its crazy as hell. but glad you got it back is all that matters and pm me the name of ya gps company . i wanna get them too :mrgreen: