Integra Type-R Discussion - Discuss general ITR information, technical information (including requests for technical/mechanical help/assistance), modifications, tuning, etc.
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Post by hopofthese »

some cop from VIRGINIA gave me a speeding ticket about a month ago saying that i was doing 87 in a 65 (BULLSHIT) and he didnt give me no explanation or anything and he told me i had to go to court, but since i couldnt go he told me to call the next day after the court date because i was from outer state. well the court date was yesterday and i called in today and they told me that i had to pay a $300 fine and that now i have my license suspended for 30 days eventhough i am from outerstate. :evil:

I am just like what the f**K. Has anyone else gone through something like this, let me know what happen and if is true they can suspend my license eventhough i am not a resident from virginia. :evil:
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Post by RedKroovy »

I know how you feel I live in Va and I got a ticket for a bullshit. At least you don't get pulled over weekly by the local cops just for driving an R
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Post by lil_R »

yo i know in VA anything over 21 miles is considered reckless driving and requires you to go to court. i've had my share... i extended it once but i was told to call 48 hours before i had to go to court which i did. i think ya fuk'd because i think it states that shit on the ticket. not sure, its been awhile since i got a speeding one (knock on wood)! i was getting hit for everything after "fast and furious" came out. VA cops just like to fuk wit ya, well at least the ones who have no life...haha
joe s
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Post by joe s »

Might want to talk to a lawyer. Maybe at least they can bring the speed violation down to something more manageable, and maybe someone will have a sympathetic ear about the prick cop you had