Moving back to NY

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Joined: September 5th, 2006, 9:39 pm
Location: Strip Club Capital, North Carolina

Moving back to NY

Post by itrsteez »

I've been in NC since '03 but I guess I'm at that point to get back to my hometown roots and return to the shithole I call home. It's a little place called Watertown an hour north of Syracuse, complete dump for sure.

Either way the R is coming with me, we're trailering it up this weekend where it'll probably get tossed in my dads garage awaiting the introduction of spring. The idea of road salt makes me cringe with an all southern R. I'm really not sure how much use i'll be able to get out of it anymore plus there's nobody up there that really shares that same passion.. hopefully I decide to keep it but it's hard to tell.

Either way there will be another ITR added to the NY list.

Does anybody know of any reputable shops for block rebuilding and/or corner weighing in the NY or New England area?
WTB: Gunmetal USDM ITR Wheels