Integra Type-R Discussion - Discuss general ITR information, technical information (including requests for technical/mechanical help/assistance), modifications, tuning, etc.
Here's my dilemma, I got a state ref ticket and currently bringing my whole engine to stock. Even if i didn't get a state ref ticket i was still considering changing out my throttle body because i felt it "choking down", it's just way too big for my setup. From what I was told when i bought the car, the owner said he put on a spoon throttle body. Never had the time to take it off but i currently have a gsr TB that i want to put on. I measured it with a caliper and the inside diameter on the intake side is not quite 70mm, so i'm starting to think that it is not a spoon tb and don't know how exactly to classify it. My problem is whether or not It's an actual ITR TB, is it just ported? or is there any markings that it was ported from spoon? Do most people just ship their TB's to spoon and have them bore it? or do they just ship you any OEM TB that's ported to 70mm... I'm just trying to classify this throttle body so I know what to say when I go to sell it. The only significant markings i can see is the little sticker that has a highlight going through t reading "88A0".. Does anybody have any pics of their Stock ITR TB, or spoon tb? I have a 2001 ITR