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Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:22 pm
by Reid
Jon D wrote:you know my brother and his wife were only together a year before they got married, the just really clicked and have been happily married since.
Thanks for having a positive story to share. Some of my friends are a little too pessimistic. :?
walker111 wrote:lol, thats great!!! Funny seeing Reid not have the power here :P
I wear the pants... when she's not around. :P

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:23 pm
by Reid
Jon D wrote:I dunt understand the whole Neo thing?????? Somebody wanna explain.
Neo is an 18 year old kid from Florida.

He begs and begs for a title, so I give him one he doesn't want. Then he complains everyday to me on AIM about his title.

One day he comes up with the brilliant idea to leave the message "fuck you" on my away message on AIM. I ban him, because frankly, I just don't have the patience to listen to people bitch about stupid crap. In the process of banning him, I remove all of his percentage and erase his post count.

A week passes, and I unban him out of the goodness of my heart. IMMEDIATELY he DEMANDS that I restore his post count to its previous amount. I simply could not believe the nerve of someone to demand that I do something that I don't have to do.

I come up with a brilliant plan to prevent him from nagging me about his account ever again. I deleted it. He is welcome to make a new account, as he knows, but his old account is gone.

The end.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:23 pm
by Dave-ROR
Yeah that was Circa sending those IMs..

anyways, I changed your title for you Reid.. I was going to use a quote and let you guess for +100 posts, but instead, I put a different quote in the thread title.. first person to PM me where it came from.. +75 posts

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:26 pm
by Reid
walker111 wrote:Word on the street says that Neo told Reid to F@#k off!! Since then they have been best buds!

There is probably more to the story that I dont know about........
I honestly have no problem with guy.

It's just sickening when someone gets so emo over things on the internet. I recall me suggesting that he kill himself when he was contemplating it one day.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:30 pm
by Jon D
This is all just another reason i dont care for HT like i once used to.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:31 pm
by Reid
Dave-ROR wrote:Yeah that was Circa sending those IMs..

Dave-ROR wrote:anyways, I changed your title for you Reid.. I was going to use a quote and let you guess for +100 posts, but instead, I put a different quote in the thread title.. first person to PM me where it came from.. +75 posts
Thanks, now I don't have to annoy you EVERY SINGLE DAY about changing my title. :roll:

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:33 pm
by Jon D
i didn't know title changes were capable on this site, i am surprised Rob hasn't modified mine yet some how.

Dave... change mine to Splat Jr :lol:

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:33 pm
by Reid
Jon D wrote:This is all just another reason i dont care for HT like i once used to.
HT is fine, but the younger crowd is just really, really stupid. It makes me sad to think that as ITR's get cheaper and cheaper, more and more stupid kids will own them and start to post here. :(

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:33 pm
by Dawn, Destroyer of Worlds
Good morning, whores.

You guys have been busy I see. I've got alot to read..... :roll:

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:37 pm
by Jon D
Reid wrote:
Jon D wrote:This is all just another reason i dont care for HT like i once used to.
HT is fine, but the younger crowd is just really, really stupid. It makes me sad to think that as ITR's get cheaper and cheaper, more and more stupid kids will own them and start to post here. :(
HT was really on the decline for a while. I dont know if its gotten better or that we have all just adjusted to the nonsense.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:38 pm
by walker111
Reid wrote:
walker111 wrote:Word on the street says that Neo told Reid to F@#k off!! Since then they have been best buds!

There is probably more to the story that I dont know about........
I honestly have no problem with guy.

It's just sickening when someone gets so emo over things on the internet. I recall me suggesting that he kill himself when he was contemplating it one day.
I dont necessarily agree with that...... Some "kids" will do some crazy shit because someone they think is cool tells them to. You have a good amount of power on HT and everyone, well, most everyone respects you. Now if you take that and mix it with some kid in the dumps that just needs that one little push to do the deed, he might very well do it!! Unfortunate, yes, but I wouldnt want that to happen.....ya know!

I dont believe in sucicide, if you think your life is that bad then take a look around and see how shitty everyone elses lives are. If your gonna do it, then do it, no need to involve any one else in your problems. Some kids just need attention and I see why you would say that, but there are kids out there with alot of problems.... I hate the internet, so much easier to have an actual converstation!!!

I recall a thread on HT where some kids dad killed himslef and the son was thinking about it. All HT could do was to egg him on and tell him to do it!! If I could travel through and internet cable I would have words with everyone in the thread....

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:38 pm
by Reid
Jon D wrote:HT was really on the decline for a while. I dont know if its gotten better or that we have all just adjusted to the nonsense.
Well as far as the ITR forum goes, how many times can we really talk about the same car?

At least here we can post in the off-topic forum and talk to other ITR people rather than a bunch of 14-15 year olds who are posting from their school computers.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:40 pm
by walker111
Reid, if you take a look at your previous responses, that will tell you why we all thought you were older!

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:41 pm
by walker111
Reid wrote:
Jon D wrote:HT was really on the decline for a while. I dont know if its gotten better or that we have all just adjusted to the nonsense.
Well as far as the ITR forum goes, how many times can we really talk about the same car?

At least here we can post in the off-topic forum and talk to other ITR people rather than a bunch of 14-15 year olds who are posting from their school computers.
lol, true dat

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:46 pm
by Reid
walker111 wrote:I dont believe in sucicide, if you think your life is that bad then take a look around and see how shitty everyone elses lives are. If your gonna do it, then do it, no need to involve any one else in your problems. Some kids just need attention and I see why you would say that, but there are kids out there with alot of problems.... I hate the internet, so much easier to have an actual converstation!!!
This is the only reason I suggested that he kill himself. It was clearly one of those sad cries for attention.

I've known people who have committed suicide and those that have done it never spoke of it previously. They were dead before anyone even realized that they needed help. :(
walker111 wrote:I recall a thread on HT where some kids dad killed himslef and the son was thinking about it. All HT could do was to egg him on and tell him to do it!! If I could travel through and internet cable I would have words with everyone in the thread....
In this case, I would have to offer serious advice, as that's a serious situation.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:48 pm
by Jon D
so if Reid is in here.. who is watching the forum haha.


Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:51 pm
by walker111
Reid wrote:
walker111 wrote:I dont believe in sucicide, if you think your life is that bad then take a look around and see how shitty everyone elses lives are. If your gonna do it, then do it, no need to involve any one else in your problems. Some kids just need attention and I see why you would say that, but there are kids out there with alot of problems.... I hate the internet, so much easier to have an actual converstation!!!
This is the only reason I suggested that he kill himself. It was clearly one of those sad cries for attention.

I've known people who have committed suicide and those that have done it never spoke of it previously. They were dead before anyone even realized that they needed help. :(
walker111 wrote:I recall a thread on HT where some kids dad killed himslef and the son was thinking about it. All HT could do was to egg him on and tell him to do it!! If I could travel through and internet cable I would have words with everyone in the thread....
In this case, I would have to offer serious advice, as that's a serious situation.
I agree with what you say. I forget what mod I tried to get to lock the thread at that time but they didnt....... I still havent heard back from that kid. I gave him my cell, email, and all other contact info. Never responded back :roll: I wrote hate pm's to all that were talking shit, amazingly I didnt have a one that wrote back telling me to get bent..

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:52 pm
by walker111
Jon D wrote:so if Reid is in here.. who is watching the forum haha.

haha, I dont think I've been on HT yet today...

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:52 pm
by Reid
walker111 wrote:I still havent heard back from that kid. I gave him my cell, email, and all other contact info. Never responded back :roll:
Wow, that's sad. :(

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:53 pm
by Reid
Jon D wrote:so if Reid is in here.. who is watching the forum haha.

tabbed windows FTW!

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:55 pm
by Jon D
you know Jim... you look like you could wreck some shit from the outside, but j00 just a big old Teddy Bear on the inside eh? I guess i am quite similair, very sensitive towards others and the issues and problems they deal with. I think that started when i worked at soup kitchens in Baltimore when i was a young pup. So sad what many people in the world are going through. I consider myself very fortunate, and extremely blessed.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:55 pm
by walker111
Reid wrote:
Jon D wrote:so if Reid is in here.. who is watching the forum haha.

tabbed windows FTW!

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:56 pm
by Jon D
Reid wrote:
Jon D wrote:so if Reid is in here.. who is watching the forum haha.

tabbed windows FTW!
i knew that was coming... i am doing the same :wink:

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 12:59 pm
by Erik95LS
walker111 wrote:If I could travel through and internet cable I would have words with everyone in the thread....
If people could travel through internet cables then I'd have a house full of pornstars and Reid would have a bunch of kids crying on his lap to be unbanned.

Posted: June 7th, 2006, 1:03 pm
by Dave_B
Erik95LS wrote:
walker111 wrote:If I could travel through and internet cable I would have words with everyone in the thread....
If people could travel through internet cables then I'd have a house full of pornstars and Reid would have a bunch of kids crying on his lap to be unbanned.
That's almost as good as Dawn sig material...