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Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 4:20 pm
by JFX
Aquafina wrote:You'd have to stay in 3rd just to maintain 55 while towing Robs caR. :P
he is that much heavy? :lol:

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 4:41 pm
by Bbasso
JFX wrote:
Aquafina wrote:You'd have to stay in 3rd just to maintain 55 while towing Robs caR. :P
he is that much heavy? :lol:
car empty- 2520.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 4:56 pm
by Dave-ROR
JFX wrote:I want to cry. For the last 3 years, I might have watched thousand time the ITR expo video. I could not come because of financial issue. I live far away in canada, and the trip to go there while I'm a student was too expensive. But this years, for the first time I could come with my friend. I dream about the expo. I'm trying to understand a reason why it would not happen? I cross my finger so hard...Has something wrong happened last year?
Lots of things that were wrong happened last year in my opinion.

First, money wasn't collected in time, we had to get some large donations from a few guys to make the event happen (lack of participation before the deadline)
Second, VIR has a very bad taste in their mouth of our group, that can hurt our chances with some tracks in the future, this was caused by excessive rule breaking, burnouts, lighting too many things on fire, etc.

Then we have to look at things going bad this year, the big one is the economy, I think it's going to be even harder to find support for the event.

There are some changes for Expo 9 (assuming it happens).

1. Late entry fees will be significantly more expensive than pre-contract fees (pre-contract = registrations before ITRCA, LLC has to pay the track itself).
2. Any rule breaking will result in expulsion from the event, the first time, no matter who you are. If Rob does a burnout, he's out, if Dave B does one, he's out. Craig burns something, he's out. No exceptions, no leeway, straight to expulsion from the current and likely ALL FUTURE expos. (and no, I'm not naming those guys for a reason (ok except for Craig :P ) they are just names you see here a lot, I'm making a point).
3. It's going to be smaller (again if it happens at all).

I'm only posting this because the HT thread was removed.

We (the expo organizers) are still having discussions on Expo9 and are trying to find a solution that will work out best for the event. Expo 9 will, no matter what, be a smaller event for the reasons above and others (again assuming it happens), we are hoping to bring a larger event for Expo 10.

Once we make a decision, you all will see the post, it won't be on Honda-Tech so don't bother checking there (we have to become an advertiser on HT to post about Expo there, we can't afford it, so no official discussion will be on HT unless GK can convince IB to allow it. It's their sites, their rules and we will abide by them).

That decision will be communicated by Wes (White Dragon) as he's the lead organizer. Until then, treat any Expo9 track selection rumors, etc as just that, rumors.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:13 pm
by elambz
Good to hear atleast something in reference to Expo 9. I'm still waiting with my credit card for the announcement that registration is open.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 6:24 pm
by Bbasso
Glad to hear it's being talked about :!:
Rules, stiff as fawk! I agree.
Keeping this event (if) should be on the small side, cheaper track, mo camping for mo people= less separation of people so the group will be just that the group!
And not to be the hater here,,, but I see no need to post outside this site. The word would spread faster then a sexually transmitted disease :P
Since this site is paid for already, let the word take it the rest of the way for free ;) I have no doubt 90% of the Honda/Acura forums WILL have an ITR Expo thread pop up within 24 hrs.

Can I suggest some things?
ok, thanks :wink:
The banquet dinner, scrap that.
Save the cash and use it towards grilling food, an outdoor PA mike/speaker and a milk crate to stand on.
For the sponsors, let them get together and discuss if they want to have a place and or time to talk to the crowd. I hope they would have a product info chat/session, I like hearing from people that can educate/promote.
I don't mind a volunteer MC for the main speaking, good idea. But keep it short and sweet.
Getting the deposits early, 6 months early. We all trust the committee to do the right thing. If the committee has the money earlier it might help to get things cheaper and better.
Plan on a Fall event, less chance of brutal weather even if it has to be in the northern climates. This will also help to collect $ (less holiday BS), and hopefully people with 6 months notice can plan their days off with more ease.
But one big thing, Have three days of track,,, something like Expo5, Where the instructors had Friday to learn the track.

Just a few thoughts from the top of my head. :roll:
I gots more... want to hear?

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 7:07 pm
by Doespike
Thanks Dave for putting out an update :!: Definitely some concerns in there, I'm sure they can all be worked out. Sucks our group may have a bad rep now... :? Here's to you and the committee for trying to figure this out :kegobeer: :)

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 18th, 2008, 1:11 am
by JFX
Bbasso wrote:Glad to hear it's being talked about :!:
Rules, stiff as fawk! I agree.
Keeping this event (if) should be on the small side, cheaper track, mo camping for mo people= less separation of people so the group will be just that the group!
And not to be the hater here,,, but I see no need to post outside this site. The word would spread faster then a sexually transmitted disease :P
Since this site is paid for already, let the word take it the rest of the way for free ;) I have no doubt 90% of the Honda/Acura forums WILL have an ITR Expo thread pop up within 24 hrs.

Can I suggest some things?
ok, thanks :wink:
The banquet dinner, scrap that.
Save the cash and use it towards grilling food, an outdoor PA mike/speaker and a milk crate to stand on.
For the sponsors, let them get together and discuss if they want to have a place and or time to talk to the crowd. I hope they would have a product info chat/session, I like hearing from people that can educate/promote.
I don't mind a volunteer MC for the main speaking, good idea. But keep it short and sweet.
Getting the deposits early, 6 months early. We all trust the committee to do the right thing. If the committee has the money earlier it might help to get things cheaper and better.
Plan on a Fall event, less chance of brutal weather even if it has to be in the northern climates. This will also help to collect $ (less holiday BS), and hopefully people with 6 months notice can plan their days off with more ease.
But one big thing, Have three days of track,,, something like Expo5, Where the instructors had Friday to learn the track.

Just a few thoughts from the top of my head. :roll:
I gots more... want to hear?
I guess it is hard to take everyone opinion in consideration. Good input, I agree as for getting the deposit early. Having everyone together, either at an hotel or camping...Keep in mind some people come far away. Anyway, I really guess it is hard to please everyone. I think 3 days track could be harder for people to get holiday? I'm not the best one to put my suggestion since I never went to an ITR expo. I do have organized alot of event however.
I'm very interested about this thread. How many people is in the comitee? What is the main concern right now? Is it to find the right spot/track or other concern, and be sure to not repeat mistake made in the past years?

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 18th, 2008, 12:18 pm
by Dave-ROR
Banquet elimination: been (and is still being) discussed.
MC - making the banquet shorter with less "awards", etc. I strongly agree with you on that crap, it's funny but only for 5 minutes worth.. not 30... Clayton does a great job MCing IMO but we should make it more for the sponsors IMO. Leave the ricer of the year award and the other traditional ones (team lazy, that brit wanker award, etc) leave out a lot of the others that just make it run on too long.
Sponsors: Every year they have the option to come and speak, display products, etc and for the most part they don't do it (PIC, Aquafina and a few others are exceptions).
Money early = :thumbup: :)
Fall Event = bad, summer is the best time because school is out, and like it or not a decent portion of our group has to take school into consideration, I'd love to to a spring or fall event but when we've tried we lost people.
3 days of track time = discussed, but won't happen this year, we'll be lucky to get enough support for a normal 2 day expo.

JFX: The primary concern is finding the right track for the right days for the right amount of $$. Expo is a luxury for a lot of people, and with money being tight we all see problems for this years Expo, and track rates have all gone up so smaller tracks aren't that much cheaper....

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 18th, 2008, 1:58 pm
by Bbasso
ok, coool ;)

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 19th, 2008, 12:14 am
by JFX
Thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate, and I understand more the situation right now. I agree that summer is probably the best time.


Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 21st, 2008, 2:21 pm
by Hooch'n
JFX wrote:Thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate, and I understand more the situation right now. I agree that summer is probably the best time.


would be nice if we had a date, problem now is we are in 2009 and we don't have a date for planning purpose.

Also, I have a feeling since we are talking about having a small Expo this means a West Coast event. Which will be hard to get a lot of people with ITR's out to the event. Which defeats the purpose of the Expo.

Hope the ITR Expo peeps can get something firm soon... I've already scheduled 12 events for 09. If it is the Memorial day weekend, i'll be at Barber motorsports park in Alabama.

Also, if you look at tracks for summer 09 -- Most Schedules are booked already.

On suggestion --- We-todd 09 Track Day

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 21st, 2008, 11:28 pm
by Dave-ROR
Hooch'n wrote:
JFX wrote:Thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate, and I understand more the situation right now. I agree that summer is probably the best time.


would be nice if we had a date, problem now is we are in 2009 and we don't have a date for planning purpose.

Also, I have a feeling since we are talking about having a small Expo this means a West Coast event. Which will be hard to get a lot of people with ITR's out to the event. Which defeats the purpose of the Expo.

Hope the ITR Expo peeps can get something firm soon... I've already scheduled 12 events for 09. If it is the Memorial day weekend, i'll be at Barber motorsports park in Alabama.

Also, if you look at tracks for summer 09 -- Most Schedules are booked already.

On suggestion --- We-todd 09 Track Day
Most likely not west coast :(

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 22nd, 2008, 12:36 am
by coolhandluke
I will be in attendance regardless of time or place. I graduate in May but this will be one trip I will notify any employer of ahead of time. If the caR isn't driving, or I can't drive, I will fly there. This is an event I watched online for two years(regretting) and thoroughly enjoyed attending the past two years. I have no plans to miss any future events and will do everything in my power to support.

Thanks for the input Dave. Its good to hear information straight from the source. Your words more or less settle the rumor mill IMO.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 23rd, 2008, 12:38 pm
by Dave_B
A lot of good info being discussed. I agree on the money upfront... way upfront... and totally agree to have a "cut off" for the reduced rate of pay. I think that will help get funds sooner. Totally agree as well on the banquet stuff/length. Why not outside? Night time = cooler than day time. Soap box works well enough for me. I'm sure with all the folks we know, we can put a PA system together (hell, I've got the reciever and willing to bring) I "like" the idea of it being "smaller" but I dont' want the impression (given by a few about E8) that this is only about "the group (by the way, define that, group)" I understand financially and due to certain track locations/lack of instructors but lets not rule anyone WITH an ITR out. I also think it should be more about the ITR's and less about others. Again, I understand the financial situation and all that... but lets open it up to ITR's first (at the reduced rate) and then see how it goes. If we don't have enough ITR's, then and only then open it up to other cars (as far as running on track)

I think due to the economy, the cars going down in value (younger, less fortunate owners) that Expo is totally a luxury thing. But that being said... we should still offer it to them first. I know I was there once... didn't even have either car with me. But going to E6 (my first Expo) I was totally hooked. It's a great time to put faces and names together and get on a real world face to face level.

Dave, if there's anything I can do, or the shop here can support to make things happen this year, please let me know.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 23rd, 2008, 3:50 pm
by Hooch'n
Dave_B wrote:A lot of good info being discussed. I agree on the money upfront... way upfront... and totally agree to have a "cut off" for the reduced rate of pay. I think that will help get funds sooner. Totally agree as well on the banquet stuff/length. Why not outside? Night time = cooler than day time. Soap box works well enough for me. I'm sure with all the folks we know, we can put a PA system together (hell, I've got the reciever and willing to bring) I "like" the idea of it being "smaller" but I dont' want the impression (given by a few about E8) that this is only about "the group (by the way, define that, group)" I understand financially and due to certain track locations/lack of instructors but lets not rule anyone WITH an ITR out. I also think it should be more about the ITR's and less about others. Again, I understand the financial situation and all that... but lets open it up to ITR's first (at the reduced rate) and then see how it goes. If we don't have enough ITR's, then and only then open it up to other cars (as far as running on track)

I think due to the economy, the cars going down in value (younger, less fortunate owners) that Expo is totally a luxury thing. But that being said... we should still offer it to them first. I know I was there once... didn't even have either car with me. But going to E6 (my first Expo) I was totally hooked. It's a great time to put faces and names together and get on a real world face to face level.

Dave, if there's anything I can do, or the shop here can support to make things happen this year, please let me know.

I agree 100% with dave b .... But for those in the SE, we can always do our own event and call it ITR something to get more owners out. Problem i've found is there are far more "honda and acura" owners that don't have and ITR or don't track an R. Making it hard to get a track paid for.

Figure the 8 years in a row is great, they miss a year so what --- We make an ITR Friends HPDE track day or something. The best part of Expo isn't the track time, but the whole weekend of meeting new people, seeing friends, chillin.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: December 24th, 2008, 12:17 pm
by Dave_B
Dis man speaks da truf!

I'm down for whatever guys. Tell me when/where in advance and I will do my damndest to be there! :beer:

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: January 5th, 2009, 5:58 pm
by Hooch'n
Dave_B wrote:Dis man speaks da truf!

I'm down for whatever guys. Tell me when/where in advance and I will do my damndest to be there! :beer:

what do you boys think about doing ITR Summerfest We-Todd 2009 End of June/Early July?

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: January 23rd, 2009, 5:38 pm
by Jon D
Older car = more affordable by youngins = less interested in track time = EXPO losing momentum.

I think that for those who don't track each year, they think that EXPO is just going to continue happening and that they can continue coming to hang out, drink beer, attend the banquet etc.

We cannot hold an event without participants paying for track time. End of story. To reiterate the equation above, we are having a much harder time finding Type R owners who want to track their cars. The car has become much more affordable, and in turn is being purchased by a younger crowd who has no interest, or little interest in driving across the country to track their car.

Lets face the facts, EXPO is not and will not be what it once was. Thats life! Hopefully, someone makes me eat my words and things change drastically in ways we all had never anticipated.

- Jon

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: January 24th, 2009, 11:47 pm
by Ford Prefect
Jon D wrote:Older car = more affordable by youngins = less interested in track time = EXPO losing momentum.

I think that for those who don't track each year, they think that EXPO is just going to continue happening and that they can continue coming to hang out, drink beer, attend the banquet etc.

We cannot hold an event without participants paying for track time. End of story. To reiterate the equation above, we are having a much harder time finding Type R owners who want to track their cars. The car has become much more affordable, and in turn is being purchased by a younger crowd who has no interest, or little interest in driving across the country to track their car.

Lets face the facts, EXPO is not and will not be what it once was. Thats life! Hopefully, someone makes me eat my words and things change drastically in ways we all had never anticipated.

- Jon
Of course Expo will not be what it once was, if we keep scheduling it on Monday-Tuesday.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: January 25th, 2009, 10:55 pm
by andyjt
Of course Expo will not be what it once was, if we keep scheduling it on Monday-Tuesday.

I agree. But im sure considering costs; its a lot cheaper for a monday-tuesday event, as opposed to a saturday-sunday event.

None the less im stoked. Im spending the whole weekend with friends in chicago and then EXPO on mon/tuesday.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: January 26th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by get RIGHT
Ford Prefect wrote: Of course Expo will not be what it once was, if we keep scheduling it on Monday-Tuesday.
Not so much, I have been attending since Expo 5. It has been on the Mon-Tue schedule since I have been attending with no ill effects. Would you pay more for Expo if it was on a weekend date?

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 12:28 am
by Ford Prefect
get RIGHT wrote:
Ford Prefect wrote: Of course Expo will not be what it once was, if we keep scheduling it on Monday-Tuesday.
Not so much, I have been attending since Expo 5. It has been on the Mon-Tue schedule since I have been attending with no ill effects. Would you pay more for Expo if it was on a weekend date?
Yes, I would. However, the point is that a lot of people who can't/won't do the Mon-Tues schedule would attend, thus helping reduce the individual costs. The die-hards will make any date, but many of the rest simply cannot or will not do the Mon-Tues thing. I was at Expo3 and 4, 5 was a no-go, but I might have made 6, and would have almost definitely made 7 & 8 if they had been on the weekends. I am sure that many others fit the same profile.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: February 5th, 2009, 12:43 am
by coolhandluke
andyjt wrote:
Of course Expo will not be what it once was, if we keep scheduling it on Monday-Tuesday.

I agree. But im sure considering costs; its a lot cheaper for a monday-tuesday event, as opposed to a saturday-sunday event.

None the less im stoked. Im spending the whole weekend with friends in chicago and then EXPO on mon/tuesday.

I will be doing something similar, but I will be staying after Expo with friends and visiting Chicago. Several of us want to hit up a Kart track in the area.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: March 9th, 2009, 11:09 am
by Willard
Who is planning to arrive early to sightsee?

I am leave Sat. morning and should arrive after dinner (sometime).
~761 miles (12h-12min) (from my house)
~722 miles (12h-0mins) (from my parents house)

I plan to find a hotel near Chicago Saturday and take in some sights/sounds Saturday...
Sunday I am free till the afternoon when I will be at Midway picking up Nick and Dan.

Re: So... itr expo seems to be dead... ???

Posted: March 9th, 2009, 11:19 am
by canuckr
Thinking about heading over there sometime saturday to see Clitz... Need to give him a call tho..