Davis, j00 most definitely are opening a can of worms, but it sure is gonna be a FUN can of worms! Like if worms wore party hats and told funny jokes, and wiggled around REAL QUICK!!
Hooray for worms!
So my day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be..... there were still a brazillion parts to do, but most of them were OMGSOEASY! Like Dodges and Chev's and whatnot.
Although there was one Jeep that I'm sure was made in hell by the devil himself..... damn thing.
I actually finished everything an hour early, and my boss dropped the bomb that I'm getting a raise! It works out to be like $4,800 more a year! That is a whole lotta extra dough for a single gal. Do you have any idea how much cheesecake that can buy????!!!!????!!!!
w00t! Man, I'm so awesome that it scares me sometimes.
So now I'm going to finish drinking this bottle of rum by myself and celebrate! w00t!
I hope you all have a good night!