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Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 10:19 am
by CivicBeater
98spec022 wrote:
CivicBeater wrote:I had those same exact feelings prior to getting married. Now going on 7 years in my relationship 4 years of which we've been married it just happens. That's all I can say. :Shrug:
Not trying to bash you here, it just sounds to me like you've gotten complacent. Personally I have a very difficult time with people telling me what I should be doing. Because of that I'm not likely to let a situation deteriorate to the level that I am unhappy.
No I hear you bro. It's not a matter of really being complacent. In my experience you've got to have a balance. A lot of give and take. You just have to know you can't expect to do 100% of the things you want to do or would do if you were flying solo. Some people in their marriage have bigger priorities in their life then their actual marriage. You wonder why the divorce rate is so high. I make mine a bigger priority than any extracurricular activities or really anything.

Trust me, I've unfortunately gone through the unhappy wtf am I doing phase in my relationship as I'm sure everyone does or has been through. Once you learn what's really important in your life is when you start making the "smart" decisions.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 10:22 am
by Bradstard
A wife should never tell you what you can and can't do, but a marriage is a democracy and major purchases need to be discussed and agreed on. If you go to Expo for a weekend and is $0, who cares. If it ends up costing the family $1000, that's a different story. Also, once there are kids involved (we have 3) then you need to think about how your spouse is going to be home alone taking care of the kids. You are then putting an extra load on your spouse and if you do that all the time without caring what they think because "you are going to do what you want" then expect to find yourself in divorce court. A marriage is give and take.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 10:25 am
by CivicBeater
CivicBeater wrote: A lot of give and take.
Bradstard wrote: A marriage is give and take.
:Thumbs up:

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 10:41 am
by 98spec022
I absolutely understand the give and take, I keep my girlfriend notified of everything that's going on and upcoming. I'm not running a totalitarian regime here. Kids don't factor into an equation because I don't have any, and I use my own money for expenses related to things I want to do. If I'm funding a major purchase from my own savings, I'm certainly not going to seek permission for it.

Time will tell how all my theories will play out. :lol:

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 10:55 am
by Dave-ROR
Erik95LS wrote:Not saying that's not the case in many relationships and kids defintely change things, but I would never date or marry someone that would be that demanding about me not doing the things I love and live for withot good reason. Something like an aniversary or big joint event sure, but simply because she doesn't like when I go away for 2-3 days every once in awhile to do the things that mean a ton to me is a no go. I'd never demand that of her so why would I ever date someone who acts like that. It's not a matter of not caring what eachother do but understanding that there are thngs you each will want to do and that not all of them have to be together. If they are great. If nt, it's not the end of the world. That's the only healthy way for me to live and has nothing to do with why I'm single right now. :-)

I have friends who's significant others can't go 5 min without calling them and complaining that they're not at home. Fuck that.
Exactly. The girl I'm dating currently knows I'm going to expo, and didn't say a word about it besides "I'll miss you while you're there :(".

Sure, there are reasons to skip things (financial for example, if you can either afford expo, or paying your mortgage, obviously expo is out :P), but any girl that wants/expects you to change just because you are legally married is going to be quickly legally seperated with me.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:04 am
by Doespike
CivicBeater wrote:
CivicBeater wrote: A lot of give and take.
Bradstard wrote: A marriage is give and take.
:Thumbs up:
Give in to her and take her shitte :P I's not like there's an Expo every other weekend and you're trying to make them all. Yes, kids complicate it but times like this she takes the extra burden and when she wants to do something, yoo take the load. That's the give and'll all come out in the wash.
Funny, I've talked with Angela about this very phenomenom, chicks changing attitude when the ring is on. She promises not her... :P

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:06 am
by Bradstard
I just printed this to PDF...we'll talk to you guys again in a few years.

Anyone watching the US game right now?

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:07 am
by CivicBeater
Doespike wrote:
CivicBeater wrote:
CivicBeater wrote: A lot of give and take.
Bradstard wrote: A marriage is give and take.
:Thumbs up:
Give in to her and take her shitte :P I's not like there's an Expo every other weekend and you're trying to make them all. Yes, kids complicate it but times like this she takes the extra burden and when she wants to do something, yoo take the load. That's the give and'll all come out in the wash.
Funny, I've talked with Angela about this very phenomenom, chicks changing attitude when the ring is on. She promises not her... :P
That's what they all say. :lol:

Just to think I'm spending my July 4th weekend with you Male chauvinists. hahaha I kid I kid

Looking forward to meeting you fookers.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:08 am
by beastnatch
For me to spend as much as I am on my short trip to expo, I had to send my wife to Virginia to spend a week with her sister so they can see eachothers newish babies, and do the girl thing without me. It works for both of us...not to mention I work, and she stays at home with the kiddo.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:11 am
by 98spec022
If there's printed evidence, thankfully I didn't say anything too damning; My girlfriend is coming to Expo this year :lol:

She pretty much wilted in the heat of Expo 8 and took decided skip Expo 9.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:22 am
by CivicBeater
98spec022 wrote:If there's printed evidence, thankfully I didn't say anything too damning; My girlfriend is coming to Expo this year :lol:

She pretty much wilted in the heat of Expo 8 and took decided skip Expo 9.
I plan to have a good talk to her in the bleachers. :P OR you can feed me food all weekend and I'll keep my mouth shut. haha! :lol:

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:26 am
by Doespike
Bradstard wrote:I just printed this to PDF...we'll talk to you guys again in a few years.

Angela wanted to come to Expo badly this year...even had vacation reserved for the August date...July 4th was a no go though.. :(

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:47 am
by Willard
WTF is up with the Dr. Phil shit? :roll:

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:48 am
by itrsteez
Turd has 0 interest in driving, I want to get her a ride along at NCCAR if she decides to attend. She attended E7 and thought it was pretty cool though, never got a helmet on though.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:49 am
by D
Bradstard wrote:You saying it didn't change when you got married? My wife still lets me do plenty, hence the car/truck/trailer/video games systems/four wheeler/etc.
Prior to us getting married we already: bought a house together, rescued 2 cats and 1 dog, and went through the passing of a handful of family members.

So.... no, not much changed at all after getting married. If it did for you guys.... i honestly believe you're doing it wrong.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 11:56 am
by itrsteez
My old boss Stanley McChrystal is all over the headlines today, I'm psyched on him not laying on his back and taking shit from the morons in DC.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:02 pm
by Civic_Sista
Registered for expo.....

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:06 pm
by Dave_B
Did you buy Steezy's spot?

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:10 pm
by Civic_Sista
Dave_B wrote:Did you buy Steezy's spot?
I did. He talked me into it.
I have so much shit to do on Thursday/Friday now.

Have to pick up tranny from king and get it to Chilton, about 2 hours north, near Road America. Pick up the race car which is in Chilton as well. Need to go thru tires and bring what is about used up. If I had room I would bring the ones I need to sell, but no room.

Anyone know when the track opens on Friday and when registration opens?

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:11 pm
by itrsteez
Dave_B wrote:Did you buy Steezy's spot?
yeah, I threw a number out that would be hard for anybody to say no to. Just glad it'll be put to good use.

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:15 pm
by Doespike

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:21 pm
by CivicBeater
Ohhh hail. Woman on the track, no way I'm driving now!

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:24 pm
by Civic_Sista
CivicBeater wrote:Ohhh hail. Woman on the track, no way I'm driving now!
Bish please!

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:26 pm
by CivicBeater
Civic_Sista wrote:
CivicBeater wrote:Ohhh hail. Woman on the track, no way I'm driving now!
Bish please!
:lol: :wink:

Re: The OT place for OGs to BS w/o BS.

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 12:30 pm
by Civic_Sista
I think I am going to bring the black car with me to expo. The red one needs to stay safe for the runoffs.
Keep an eye out for the one pink ear ;)