Erik95LS wrote:some of you may have seen or heard about this, but there's now a pretty awesome parody of Katy Perry's visit to Sesame street that was banned because of her bewbs.
Dave_B wrote:
Hellz yeah! Now figure out the rest of the BS and lets make it happen.
A few hurdles, but nothing terribly impossible in due time. I've spent a considerable amount of time on checking out the area and it makes me sick.
itrsteez wrote:whew, 5 hour drive home, not sure why I thought driving 74 through shitass gastonia then clt/monroe was a good idea.
Good times seeing you f'ers, I'm 800% more sold on Greenville now.
I would've been extremely bummed to hear this. However, since I'm the one moving across the planet I guess I'll let it happen. At least this would better centralize everyone.
I see on duplicolors site they offer a premixed ready to spray white paint and the color is called championship white.. think its our CW or just some white with the same name??
I wish, you're in deep shit if you have a camera anywhere in/around this place. It sucks because we never get to have pictures of the office pranks pulled on people while they're on vacation.
So far everybody likes it, it's the most chipper I've seen people on a monday morning.
I wish, you're in deep shit if you have a camera anywhere in/around this place. It sucks because we never get to have pictures of the office pranks pulled on people while they're on vacation.
So far everybody likes it, it's the most chipper I've seen people on a monday morning.
I did kind of think to myself after posting that, that there probably were some regulations with photos etc. I was really hoping to see the red phone that Batman calls in on. Fawk!
Not sure how I could tell the grandma story to explain how hilarious it actually was. Long story short, they drove into my lane and I was pushed all the way over to the shoulder honking my horn to let them know I existed. The gremlin grandmother in the passenger seat flipped me off with her little decrepit finger. Was a good way to start the day.
So... drove 551 over the weekend for a bit. B20/B16 top end, ITR intake/intake manifold/complete exhaust.... vtec is nearly un-noticable. Needs moar cam. Kinda disappointed how weak top end actually is. FLP shifter is like
There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the rate of increase in output per unit increase of input decreases as the input increases
Steve- You're welcome here anytime. Just know that if and when you are stay as long as you like at my place. Good times. To add to the Grandma story...she gave us the most smudge face ever as if she was utterly disgusted by us...and then she through the tiny finger at us.
Jack- Yeah I was a bit disappointed with Eurofest as well. It was good hanging out, I'm glad you could make it out.
[QUOTE=lsd96teg]If I had all that in my living room my gf would flip out lol[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Ed 341]If I planned to bolt an ApexI WS2 exhaust, DC Header and that horrific list of "ICE" to my ITR my GFwould flip out. Rightfully so.[/QUOTE]
coolhandluke wrote:Steve- You're welcome here anytime. Just know that if and when you are stay as long as you like at my place. Good times. To add to the Grandma story...she gave us the most smudge face ever as if she was utterly disgusted by us...and then she through the tiny finger at us.
thanks dude, shitty that the move wasn't this past weekend, we could of got it accomplished rapidly with just a few hatchbacks.
fortunately the museum had a e30 m3 on showcase or I wouldn't of got to see what I came there for, none the less great weather, good beer (except the molson, sorry dave), good times.