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northern virginia ITR

Posted: January 17th, 2009, 9:12 am
by teddyblank
i live in loudoun county, VA. also near winchester. Recently got a 2000 ITR, my dream car and it is all its hyped to be. anyways i know these things are rare it would be great to find people near me with the same car and find out where they go to race and test times and such.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 10:37 am
by Jon D
Hi Teddy,

Congrats on picking up your car. There is a wealth of information on various sites you will want to tune into. Please pay attention to FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) threads on on the forums. We are a very tight knit group of friends around here, and are all very familiar with one another. Please note, we are very secure about posting our whereabouts, and you'll almost never see a picture posted without the license plate being blurred.

I promise that if you keep your eyes and ears open, attend some meets, and go out of your comfort zone to introduce yourself to others that you will make some great friends.

In the meantime, please keep your car safe. VA is a horrible state to own an ITR, especially the closer you get to DC. NOVA is horrible for honda theft. If you don't already have some layers of security, i would strongly recommend looking into them immediately. An alarm is not good enough, a garage is not good enough. Also, i am assuming that your Type R is not your daily means of transportation????? If it is, go find a couple hundred dollar beater, or say goodbye to the car of your dreams.

I might sound a bit harsh, but it is the honest to God truth, and i am just trying to look out for you. Best of luck, and if you haven't already done so....start considering attending EXPO this year. You can find more information about the event in the forum specific to it.

- Jon

One last thing..... Summit Point is not far from you at all. I strongly suggest that before you start modifying your at all that you invest in some track time. You'll have more fun than you could have ever imagined.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 11:34 pm
by teddyblank
well it actually is my main means of transportation, is that bad? i have a steering wheel anti theft device on my car, as well as an alarm. and it is parked in a place where it can be stolen.

summit point is a mountain spot, is it also a racetrack? i know i live near it i didnt know there was a track i could go to to get some track time... more info would be great!!!

so yes it is my main transportation, i try using premium gasoline only, and i try to take care of it as well as i can. i really hope i can find out more about summit points race track..

also i do live in northern VA. a very rich suburb, there arent many nice integras around here. but i do worry about my cars safety

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 10:45 am
by Jon D
teddyblank wrote:
also i do live in northern VA. a very rich suburb, there arent many nice integras around here. but i do worry about my cars safety
The reason you don't think there are any nice integras around are bc their owners know better than to drive them daily and you just aren't seeing them. If you are honestly using your car as your dailys means of transportation, i am telling you from YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of experience with these cars that you car WILL be stolen.

It does not matter if you have an alarm, it does not matter if you have a detachable steering wheels. Other members of this site could fill you in ITRs that have been stolen with layers and layers of deterrants.

I don't know what to do or say to change your mind, but you are driving with a horrible risk of not finding your car where you parked it last. Also, if you think that parking a car behind yours in your own driveway will prevent it from being stolen, you are wrong.

There have been cases where both cars were stolen just to get to the Type R.

We are here to help, not to scare you!

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 10:49 am
by Jon D

Here is the link to Summit Point.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: February 20th, 2009, 11:19 am
by Bbasso
<---agreeee 100% with Jon.
& can't add anything else usefull.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: February 26th, 2009, 4:45 pm
by Jon D
Teddy hasn't been back to reply, i sincerely hope he takes the information provided seriously!


Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: March 8th, 2009, 8:38 pm
by teddyblank
no no im here guys, i definatly appreciate your advice but honestly its scaring the hell otu of me, i dont have a garage to put the car in. and i dont know what else i can do, i dont have the money or the space to get a 2nd car. i just donno what to do to make it any safer but im worried to death now that someone is gonna steal my car.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: March 8th, 2009, 11:14 pm
by heel_touge
just take the wing off and debadge it for the time being. make sure you do NOT post any threads like this on your local forums or any forums of the like. Its only advertisement.

these precautions wont guarantee a safe car but will should help keep attention away from what you got.
I would delete any of these type of "hey im here with this car" threads you have posted on the webernet.

thats all i can suggest.

i dont know from personal experience, but there are quite a few of us who have lived or currently live in that area and have had bad experiences.

just make sure you have full coverage, don't get overly attached to that specific car. and make sure you insurance has the correct VIN number. then do your best to enjoy it!

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: March 15th, 2009, 7:37 pm
by Jon D
Teddy, we aren't here to scare you, but instead make you aware of the unfortunate honest to God truth. If you continue daily driving the car it will be stolen.

I am not sure how you ever purchased the car without knowing this, but the ball is now in your court. Take the necessary precautions before you find the car missing from where you parked it last.

FYI.... don't bother taking the wing and decals off. A yellow ITR is not mistaken for another model Integra. You are driving a thief magnet bro, please go buy a couple hundred dollar beeter. You obviously have the money if you are considering buying a supercharger.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: March 15th, 2009, 9:29 pm
by Doespike
Jon D wrote: please go buy a couple hundred dollar beeter. You obviously have the money if you are considering buying a supercharger.
Normally I'd agree 100% but in this case without a garage, the caR would just be left on the street all day and night since he doesn't have a garage. Better odds are to always have the caR near you if it's parked in public. Though I suspect buying an ITR, under these circumstances, was a bad idea in the first place. It will get jacked in NoVa. Rich neighborhoods mean's not your neighbors who will steal the caR.
Not trying to hate, the ITR is my dream car too. It took quite some time for me to get my crap straight in order to make a puRchase. Decent beater is almost paid off and have garage space finally. It was an agonizing wait but I'm glad I did. I've also been working on some deep hardcore security mods to the caR...and let me say, learning these Honda systems...I see how easy it is to steal these econoboxes. It takes a lot of effort to do the security right to be able to park almost anywhere and know your caR will be there when you come out.
Good luck

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:11 am
by Humpie56
Ok Ok yeah you have to be save and keep your car in places you can keep an eye on it but it's not that bad i live in NOVA and have been good so far with all my Hondas (3) and my integra. Though a buddy of mine got his 00 Civic SI stole a few years back. Best think i can say is keep it safe as possible and try and talk to your insurance company to get it insured for the Full actual value of the car not the Suggested retail. Also try and get them to add $$ Value for the mods on the car so they are covered also, that why if it ever does happen your covered and can get a replacement. It's not worth being tooo over worried about driving your car.

Just enjoy it. i drove mine everywhere before i lost my license but i do have 2 cars though...

Summit Point has an event coming up on June 20 called Hyperfest that has lots of imports. Only went one year but it was fun to be able to check out the track and see what it's about.

By the way everyone i ended up keeping my 01 ITR. i just cant seem to let it go, even with offers for the asking price i was looking for.

Re: northern virginia ITR

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 11:28 am
by Doespike
Humpie56 wrote:By the way everyone i ended up keeping my 01 ITR. i just cant seem to let it go, even with offers for the asking price i was looking for.
:D Good to hear mang :!: