When he drove round to take me on a testdrive I was blown away by a 5800rpm virtecual paradigm shift!
A year and a half, an aem long cold-air, TE37's and two tickets later, he informed me that he was going to part company

"What!!! How much?" I croaked.
"I dunno? It's got 19k on it...how about $19k?" came the reply.
"Take a cheque?" I mumbled through the itr inspired prescient moment.
The next day I was driving away on my new white arab mare....
then I hit 5800rpm, my head was thrown back into the waiting red-stitched headrest. My new horse roared in delight and carried it's amazed
rider into a new world of high rpm histeria. I slowed , pulled over, got out and looked at my new ride with a growing respect...
Since then I have been using 356 as my dd. As some one who started out in the UK with an 850cc mini, 'cos I couldn't afford an "S", and then modded the @$%@#
out of it so it could take an "S" (up to 80mph anyways), I have to say that the '97 itr is the pinnacle of the original Issigonis dream (designer of the first transverse fwd car)!
150K, a new transmission, koni yellows and some expensive services later, 356 is faster than ever!
She does fit me like a glove now. I've frightened ferraris, s2ks and the rest many a time.
Once you get a car this fast and well mannered it's up to the driver, huh?
Anyways back to the "The one that got away" bit.
Last friday, after 9 years of marital bliss with 356, I went to stay with a friend in San Francisco and parked out side his house. ("What" they all shout. "The idiot")
When I came out in the morning, 356 was gone! "Oh no! This is worse than loosing that blond in the valley!" I was heard to sob.
It was a sorry man that drove his rented Kia home that night. What did I expect, parking a '97 itr on the street in SF?
Three days of interneting through a bevvy of 6speed V6 Accords and feeling like "once u turn itr there's no going back" my cellphone rang.
It's the CHP. They've found 356....joy....I actually tell the CHP lady she's brilliant!
AND...... 356 is back unharmed...just as fiesty as ever!
She is "The One That Got Away!"
I say drive it(r)!
All race cars need servicing. My chassis has done 150k but the mechanics haven't. The car is still the perfect drivers car!
AND....Practice makes perfect