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vtec controllers?

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 4:21 am
by teddyblank
now ive seen these for sale, apparently u can choose the crossover point for when u want the VTEC to engage, normally it does it at 6000rpm in my 2000 ITR but with this controller i could make it around 3000rpm?

now is this a good thing? for some reason i have a feeling that it is NOT good for the engine or my car to be running in VTEC all the time.

Re: vtec controllers?

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 10:27 am
by BoostR41
lowering the vtec point without tuning fuel will do nothing. you cant just throw that on and it work well. also vtec wont "hit" as hard with the controller.

with all the forced induction posts you have asked about you should know that vtec controllers advance timing when you take fuel out(which is what you would need to do with bigger injectors on a FI set up) so it is bad if you dont know what you are doing.

you also asked about an S300 which will allow vtec adjustment. you dont ever need vtec to come on any lower than 5000rpms 3000 is just dumb

Re: vtec controllers?

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 5:23 pm
by soulassassin13
Werd!!! Some serious pieces of truth there.

Re: vtec controllers?

Posted: March 11th, 2009, 9:38 pm
by Dave_B
My vtec is set lower than 5k, 4100 was the last setting, now I believe after a retune and some other goodies, its around 4800.

But I think the point was just changing the cross over without any tuning is pointless.

Re: vtec controllers?

Posted: March 12th, 2009, 12:57 am
by coolhandluke
Dave_B wrote:...the point was just changing the cross over without any tuning is pointless.
I completely agree with this statement. I think the OP needs to continue researching his/her build plans and learn more about these different subjects.