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Who makes the best radar detector?

Posted: February 8th, 2003, 12:39 pm
by Utilitarian
What are you guys running for a radar detector? I'm getting a PY ITR and I think it would be wise to get one. Valentine One will probably be my choice in the next few weeks unless I read otherwise. You can never get a straight answer from the automotive journals because if they say X is the best then Y won't advertise anymore and vice-versa. Tell me what you think.

Posted: February 8th, 2003, 4:57 pm
by Osman
The Valentine One looks really good since it tells you the number of radars around you and where they are at. I would really love this feature b/c when I drive by a place where there's a lot of false alerts, I usually just ignore the radar, but sometimes, there's acutally a cop there! I have the BEL wireless one (I forgot the model number) and when I DON'T ignore it, it works really well.

Posted: February 8th, 2003, 5:49 pm
by joe s
I've also heard the Valentine is the best one, and you pay for it. The Cincinnati Microwave version (Escort, Passport makers) also ranks very high and I believe is approx $100 less.

Posted: February 9th, 2003, 10:46 pm
by itr
i have the valentine1 and i loove it. i would recommend the valentine one over the escort for many reasons. go to to check it out. you pay for what you get its really worth it

radar detectors choice

Posted: February 10th, 2003, 5:33 am
by drdrmann
I've put 43 thous miles on 97ITR#30 with 3 tickets( 10, 12 over and one too fast to clock) with a Valentine One operating on board. V1 is definetly the best choice. We all know instant-on radar can be devistating, but no detector can give total protection. Instant-on is usually in KA band, i believe. Both 10 and 12 over I was shot in KA Instant-on from the other direction and the CHP were going faster than me. If I did not have the V1 i would not have a licence in America. Luckily I get m ay YA-YAs out on the autobahn in Germany every year. I just bought a 2002 CTR for Europe, and I keep it at my's another Speed Racer story. Drop me a line if anyone wants to hear how it purrzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Next a hidden V1 for the CTR for the Autoroutes(francaise) and Autopista(italian) Shawn

Posted: February 10th, 2003, 10:25 am
by Nimbus
Simple: V1

Posted: February 10th, 2003, 12:20 pm
by Trey
Nimbus wrote:Simple: V1