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Got an oil leak I cant find ***HELP ME***....please

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 6:24 am
by Gross_00-0088
I rebuilt my motor last June and I upped the compression a little (11.7) The leak looks like it is coming around the canister on the back of the motor but I really cant tell if thats where its coming from. I can smell oil only when I'm in vtec in a higher gear where I'm in it for longer (3rd and up). Its dripping on the top of my exhaust. I cant figure out whats causing it and its driving me insane. Hopfully some one understands me I feel like I'm wording stuff wrong :? . Thanks in advance

Re: Got an oil leak I cant find ***HELP ME***....please

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 1:07 pm
by coolhandluke
Thoroughly clean all the areas in question. Start the car up and let it idle for a few minutes. Cut the car off and see if you can trace the leak.

Re: Got an oil leak I cant find ***HELP ME***....please

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 4:25 pm
by Bbasso
coolhandluke wrote:Thoroughly clean all the areas in question. Start the car up and let it idle for a few minutes. Cut the car off and see if you can trace the leak.
It might be easier to find the leak if he uses a dye kit ;)

Re: Got an oil leak I cant find ***HELP ME***....please

Posted: April 30th, 2009, 4:41 pm
by Gross_00-0088
I have wiped it down quite a few times and looked as it idled. its like it only does it when I'm in vtec when the oil pressure is high. I dont know if this could be it but I read on honda-tech (I think) some one else was having that problem and some one said it could be crankcase pressure causing it to blow by that bottom o ring on the canister. I have replaced rear main, oil pan, and that oring on that canister and it still does it. Doesn't leak near as bad as it used to after I replaced that o ring