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Stock Intake Upgrades

Posted: February 13th, 2003, 8:17 pm
by IdealConcepts
Any suggestions and comments on what filter upgrade I should go with for the stock ITR set up and what the benefits are for that particular filter upgrade. People have mentioned Spoon and K&N, anybody have any experience in these two filters, or the Comptech Filters, or any other filter upgrades. Thanks in advance for your suggestions and opinions.

Posted: February 13th, 2003, 9:01 pm
by oops-Chris93Si
Can't go wrong w/ the K&N, it's cheap, durable, flows well, and it has a 1,000,000 mile warrenty. I don't know that I'd use the Spoon wouldn't trust my engine to a foam filter.

Posted: February 13th, 2003, 9:42 pm
by B2FiNiTY
K&N, Comptech are both good.

Posted: February 14th, 2003, 1:00 am
by Erik B
Your topic says intake...your post says filter. Which one is it? You upgrading the filter on the stock intake or you want to upgrade the whole intake system. I would do a K&N for just a filter upgrade or a AEM for a intake upgrade(which comes with a K&N filter)

Posted: February 14th, 2003, 3:22 pm
by IdealConcepts
My bad, I should have been clearer, it should read stock intake filter upgrade, just the filter upgrade. Thanks for the all the suggestions and information.

Posted: February 14th, 2003, 8:20 pm
by Erik B
Mugen has a really good drop in air filter. But for the price I would just do the K&N.

Posted: February 14th, 2003, 11:20 pm
by Dr Who
ive heard that the spoon filter is good, but i dont know if it makes any real performance differences, or is just for the name :)

Posted: February 17th, 2003, 1:38 am
by Aj
None of them are really gonna make a heck of a lot of difference in performance, my suggestion would be to get the easiest one to clean, that being foam, either the comptech or the spoon. I have the comptech and have found that the spray cleaner and oil they give you is a joke to use, and the filter cleans efortlessly. I think the rumors that were spread about foam deteriorating were about the cheaper intakes on the maket that were make out of cheap plastic rather than the ones that are ussualy sold by the likes of Spoon and comptech.

Any way, they're all fine, I guess which ever you decide will be more than adequite,


Posted: February 17th, 2003, 11:20 pm
by kabob
I've looked at the stock cone filter element and it's a nice, open element and flows air well. Why bother with a drop-in filter? Seems like a waste IMO. I'd just use the money towards an AEM cold-air or a Comptech Icebox.

Posted: February 18th, 2003, 2:53 am
by Aj
Yeah, I'll go with that, the only up side I see, is to save money on repacement filters down the line, and even then, for the price, it's not much of a savings...


Posted: February 18th, 2003, 8:29 am
by Trey
kabob wrote:I've looked at the stock cone filter element and it's a nice, open element and flows air well. Why bother with a drop-in filter? Seems like a waste IMO. I'd just use the money towards an AEM cold-air or a Comptech Icebox.
I did a dyno test on my R. Drop in filter gave about 1.5 hp. AEM/Icebox/Iceman all gave 3-4 hp. Figure the $/hp is in the filters favor (I only paid $30 for my K&N). I have an Icebox and would recommend it to anyone but just some info to think on.

Posted: February 18th, 2003, 1:53 pm
by Aj
Wow, who would have ever figured, 1.5whp from a filter, hmmm...that is some good food for thought.


Posted: February 18th, 2003, 6:39 pm
by kabob
Trey, do you think that could maybe be chalked up to margin of error on the dyno? You know as well as I do that everything from weather conditions, type of dyno used, temperature, etc., affect dyno results.

Not doubting ya, though, I just like the discussions :P ;)

Posted: February 19th, 2003, 8:10 am
by Trey
kabob wrote:Trey, do you think that could maybe be chalked up to margin of error on the dyno? You know as well as I do that everything from weather conditions, type of dyno used, temperature, etc., affect dyno results.

Not doubting ya, though, I just like the discussions :P ;)
Anything is possible. This was an average of 3 runs with the filter. It was on the same day. I tested the AEM, Iceman (Which made more than the AEM BTW) and the Filter.

I also tested the stock airbox with the lower resonator portion off and we showed an average loss of 3 whp on one car and did the test later on an R with an Avg hp loss of 5.5 hp.

So it is possible but we typically do 3 runs and avg them for claims of gain or loss.