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Posted: February 28th, 2003, 1:44 am
by joe s
What kind of gas do you all burn in your Type R's?
I received one of those emails that tries to start something. This one concerned gasoline and the brands that import from the Middle East and those who don't. Seems that, according to this email, the Saudi's have boycotted American goods and one potential American consumer response would be to use gasoline not imported from the MidEast. I have no idea how accurate any of this is, nor am I a proponent of it. It just got me thinking, mainly because this note said that Shell is the largest importer of Middle East oil for their gas, and that's what I burn in my car. Have any of you heard about this, or do you have any objective insight as to its accuracy? I started using Shell after my '88 integra was running roughly on Amoco and the dealer suggested Shell. I tried it and have used it ever since; my R runs great on it. Once tried the highest octane Sunoco on a whim and the thing ran terribly - may have just been a bad batch or the way the engine management system 'managed' it, but just the same I haven't tried it again.
The other companies allegedly using MidEast oil were Chevron/Texaco, Exxon/Mobil, Marathon/Speedway, and Amoco. Those that got their oil from outside the Middle East were Citco, Sunoco, Conoco, Sinclair, BP/Phillips, and Hess.

Posted: February 28th, 2003, 1:52 pm
by Aj
Actually, according to the statistics, the US gets 90% of their oil/pertolium from south america, not the middle east, basically it's just gotten too expensive to get from the middle east lately. This is another reason why President Bush is so slap happy to go to war in Iraq.....

Any way, I wouldn't bother boycoting any specific brand of gas, as, more than likely, you'll never really know where they get all their oil from, and even if you could make the assumption that they got it from the middle east, I don't think the the Type-R owners of the world would put a significant dent in their sales....



Posted: February 28th, 2003, 3:44 pm
by Type R 98
acctually you guys.... states takes most their gas from Canada Alberta which has more fuel than middle east they said. and bush thought that was very good news.. so 2/3 the gas would be most likely from north america Aj =) so says the news Ancer

Posted: February 28th, 2003, 5:20 pm
by Champ R
I use Sunoco 94 if thats what yer asking.

Posted: February 28th, 2003, 5:27 pm
by Beasty18C5
I've been only using Sunoco's Ultra 94 Octane since I bought my car and it runs awesome never had a problem, well almost unless I can't find any on the way :x

Posted: February 28th, 2003, 6:21 pm
by bbqman
I use Petro-Canada 94 oct....(our version of Sunoco, since they took it away).
But with the prices high these days, I use 91Oct and lay off the V-tec. ( It still is snowing and winter like over here)

Posted: February 28th, 2003, 11:18 pm
by joe s
As I mentioned I tried the Sunoco once and had a problem with it; never could figure out why. Seems like it would be great stuff. Must of had a bad batch. I'll try it again - just curious.
I'm aware that the couple of thousand R's out there are not going to affect world oil consumption. Just a patriotic thought; do what you can kinda thing. I find it interesting that even the few responses on this forum expressed different ideas as to where our oil comes from. Makes you think.

Posted: March 1st, 2003, 12:20 am
we don't have anything higher then 92 here it sucks

Re: hehe

Posted: March 1st, 2003, 6:16 am
by Aj
Type R 98 wrote:acctually you guys.... states takes most their gas from Canada Alberta which has more fuel than middle east they said. and bush thought that was very good news.. so 2/3 the gas would be most likely from north america Aj =) so says the news Ancer
I think the news ankor must have been a little drunk, or is talking about somthing very local to one place in the US. According to published governmet studies, that I was forced to read in my international business class, that were published in December of 02' say that 88.96% of the commercial petroleum in the united states is refined using oil form south america, largely countries such as Venezuela, which actually is no longer the case because of the political fiasco going on there, but supposedly that hasn't sufficiently affecting the import percentages sufficiently, and one of the, if not the largest exporter of oil to the US, is called PetroBras, which as you may have guessed from the name, is in Brazil.

Now, that's not to say we don't get a lot of oil from canada, but no where near that of what we get form south america. Also, this refference is for commercial petroleum grade oil only, we could get loads of oil meant for other things, from many other places, and it doesn't get fit into the statistic.

Now, keeping in mind that the government is often wrong and frequently has out of date info, I suppose the news ankor could be correct, but more than likely he/she just slamed something that they took in an interview, and likely didn't take the time to actually compile correct statistics.

Any way, don't believe everything you hear on TV


Posted: March 5th, 2003, 1:01 am
by Type R 98
Acctually, i have seen this on like NBC a month ago, where the discovered that canada had indeed MORE gas then all of the middle EAST and im not saying it all goes for cars, most of it is for other shit like clothes and tires or whatever, but you might be right about car gasoline from the south, i just know america is litteraly importing astronomical ammounts of gas from canadians.

Posted: March 5th, 2003, 1:08 am
by Aj
tru, I can buy that.


Posted: March 5th, 2003, 4:29 pm
by joe s
Interesting topic, one I have been pretty ignorant about. I did a little research and came up with an article from the Dept of Energy with the following stats, as of 2000/2001: Total US imports are 58% of usage; >1/3 of US use comes from combo of Canada, Mexico, Venesuela - total 24% - and the Persian Gulf -12.4%. Our oil production is expected to remain about the same for the next 2 decades, but consumption is expected to increase by 35%. Persian Gulf supplies 45% of worldwide usage. Iraq has the 2nd highest reserves in the world, following Saudi Arabia. This explains why we and the rest of the European Union (and world) are so interested in Iraq. 2/5 of the world's excess produce is in Saudi. West Africa and Columbia, of all places, are expected to increase their exporting to the US in the near future.
There's a lot going to happen in the next few years, that's for sure.


Posted: March 6th, 2003, 9:55 pm
by PY 01-0972
we are lucky here in las vegas I can get 100 octaine at various 76 stations
its $3.98 a gallon but it feels like 15 more horsepower!!

Posted: March 9th, 2003, 11:59 am
by Bbasso
I'll use any 93 octane on any givin day, But if I have plans to race I'll start using Sunoco 94 a week before the event and during.


Posted: March 9th, 2003, 12:52 pm
by Jan Niemi
Sunoco 94 octane exclusively.