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OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 3:47 am
theres this possum that comes in the garage almost every night. i cant close the door because i have 2 cats living in the garage and the possum comes to eat their food. i dont want to this possum to keep eating my cats' food and since they both had a litter of kittens i dont want the possum to hurt them. what do you think i should do? any suggestions will be appreciated.


Re: OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 6:52 am
by Jan Niemi
The last one I had in my garage got the shovel. I beat him into oblivion with my gardening shovel. The little bastard was very resilient to death, it took a few to put him in possum nirvana. Coincidentally I haven't had a possum since, I think they know not to come into my garage again.

I've caught them with a live trap too, put some fish sticks or something stinky in for bait, they won't resist it, then throw the trap into your hatch and drive him about 10 miles out and hope that he gets run over on the way back to your garage.

Re: OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 8:17 am
by Dev
Piss outside your garage, it deters large rodents.

If you are going to beat the thing to oblivion, use a craftsmen shovel...if you break it, Sears will replace it :lol:

Seriously, try the piss or a live trap...the Possum is just hungry.


Re: OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 1:13 pm
by gosox2003
be careful with the live trap as you dont want your kitty to get stuck in the damn thing trying to munch the fish sticks or some other food item

Re: OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 4:16 pm
by fredtoast
I highly recommend the shovel. Possums make tasty barbecue, and this method tenderizes the meat.

BTW, there is actually a law here in Tennessee that makes it legal to eat road kill.

Re: OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 8:38 pm
by YellowDragon279
fredtoast wrote:I highly recommend the shovel. Possums make tasty barbecue, and this method tenderizes the meat.

BTW, there is actually a law here in Tennessee that makes it legal to eat road kill.

Well the last thing you need is to get caught pissing infront of your own house. LOL The Shovel idea is nice, but my vote is a live trap. Be careful these things can be pretty NASTY. They can carry Rabies too so make sure your cats have their shots.

Re: OT: does anyone know how to get rid of possums?

Posted: June 12th, 2003, 9:24 pm
by splat

Or, if you're inside city limits, these make less noise than a pellet gun:
