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Expo 4: West Coast about to lose the Expo

Posted: January 9th, 2004, 8:44 am
by Trey
Expo 4 on West coast in Jeopardy! West Coast ITR owners are not signing up and paying. We are short the needed funds to make this happen. That being the case there is a chance the event will move to the East coast and could remain there indefinitely if we don't recieve the support of the west coasters.

Posted: January 13th, 2004, 1:54 am
by YellowKahuna

Posted: January 13th, 2004, 8:27 am
by Trey
Thanks for taking the time to explain. I really appreciate that!

Re: Expo 4: West Coast about to lose the Expo

Posted: January 16th, 2004, 2:42 am
by kepani
Trey wrote:West Coast ITR owners are not signing up and paying.
i registered and sent payment to! :)

i suggest you west coasters do the same!!!

Posted: January 19th, 2004, 11:38 pm
by B2FiNiTY
Followed in suit!