Page 1 of 1 Expo ....
Posted: May 21st, 2004, 4:05 pm
by zygspeed
Just wanted to continue the discussion here (since H-T is apparently down) of what Trey previously posted wrt whether or not the ITR Expo will proceed as presently planned this year.
I still feel like a bit of a "black sheep" here, but at the same time have made many good friends amongst the ITR "community", as Trey put it.
Personally, I wish all the ITR Expos could be as well and as enthusiasticly attended as last year's BeaveRun event. However, in my humble opinion ... there's not much point in calling it an ITR Expo if at least half to two thirds or so of the cars aren't ITRs.
Sadly, it looks like interest/participation of ITR owners has waned this year as people have moved on in life. I plan on attending either way.
Posted: May 21st, 2004, 5:39 pm
by BudMan
The interesting part of this process is all of the "east coasters" who made fun of the west coast people not paying...
Now we've got 50+ registered, but only 24 paid after nearly 6 months of planning. Trey's had my $$ since day one (R ownage!)
I wanna drive!!! Please payup fellow R owners

Posted: May 21st, 2004, 5:41 pm
by BudMan
Oh yea - Crazy Ed, I nearly forgot...
Now you'll be able to see me swing the arse-end around with my moooooogen sway ba. Just like old times at the dragon!

Re: Expo ....
Posted: May 22nd, 2004, 7:13 am
by BrewCityR
zygspeed wrote:Sadly, it looks like interest/participation of ITR owners has waned this year as people have moved on in life. I plan on attending either way.
I feel bad for being a part of this.

Losing my license this spring didn't help things but I am keeping my R and will NO DOUBT be using Expo V/5 as an HPDE.
Re: Expo ....
Posted: May 22nd, 2004, 11:26 am
by .RJ
zygspeed wrote:However, in my humble opinion ... there's not much point in calling it an ITR Expo if at least half to two thirds or so of the cars aren't ITRs.
If thats the way it turns out, and you dont like it, then stay home. IMHO.
I'll be there having a good time whether I'm sharing the track with ITR's or M3's and Civics. Doesnt matter to me.
Re: Expo ....
Posted: May 24th, 2004, 11:46 am
by Chris N
I don't care if half the event is non-ITRs.
At least we'd be carrying on with the expo tradition. Who knows - next year we may have a full event of all ITRs - maybe this year is just doomed from the start. :Shrug:
Posted: May 24th, 2004, 2:03 pm
by Bbasso
I'd like it to be full of Rs but I'll agree with Chris on :"At least we'd be carrying on with the expo tradition. Who knows - next year we may have a full event of all ITRs - maybe this year is just doomed from the start. :Shrug:"
Trey, Please jump in and give us your thoughts after reading all the posts on HT and here.
Posted: May 24th, 2004, 9:54 pm
by ithrowpoop
i hope the expo goes on as planned(even though the plans changed). i missed expo 2 b/c i only had a lowly gsr. expo 3, i had my r for 2 days. i don't want to miss this one. paid and reistered since on the east coast.