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Turboing my 2001 ITR

Posted: March 20th, 2005, 10:25 pm
by Matt808
i just bought a 2001 and i have a large sum of money and i doubt ill have this much agian so i am going to go ahead and put a turbo on my stock engine, i am curious what brand i should go with and what everyone thinks of running 6lbs on a stock engine till i get new internals. ive been told rev hard is a good company, i was going to go with greddy. i want to go straight JDM. please help me I wanna run like 10 to 12lbs oneday and i am not 100% sure what internals i should replace on the type r

I suggest you do your research and homework

Posted: June 2nd, 2005, 3:20 am
by integra_jaxsonracingturbo
I highly suggest you speak to highly qualified retailers and even reach out to the manufacturers if you are uncertain, Ive heard of many horror stories on applications that were installed incorrectly or information was not provided to the owner of the car. By doing a little homework, you'll save yourself a lot of money and heartache. Try
they are a new comparison shopping site for direction. Good Luck!