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Who can elaborate on what happened to Dustin over on HT?

Posted: October 31st, 2005, 2:06 pm
by 1Greyteg
I did catch the post he put up before it was removed, heck I even saved it on my work PC.

But who can share exactly what happened and what led up to Dustin leaving/being removed over there?

And is anyone still in contact with him and how did things turn out further?



Posted: October 31st, 2005, 2:19 pm
by Bbasso
good questions, I'd like to hear some answers... If it is possible.

Posted: November 1st, 2005, 3:45 pm
by ebelp
What the...I didn't even know he had been "removed".

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 12:04 pm
by Jan Niemi
I saved the post as well. It's hard to say what happened since Dustin won't be able to post his side of the story. I'd venture to guess that the other guy got greedy and no longer had a use for Dustin. Another affirmation that friendship and business don't mix...and that you should always get 'promises' in writing :?

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:27 pm
by walker111
Also wants to know?

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:32 pm
by ebelp
Jan Niemi wrote:I saved the post as well.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:33 pm
by Dave_B
I remember the incident but sadly have no details.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:41 pm
by Jon D
I too would like to know wtf happened!

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:43 pm
by Jan Niemi
Give me your email addy, I'll send you a copy.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:44 pm
by ebelp
Jan Niemi wrote:Give me your email addy, I'll send you a copy.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:45 pm
by walker111
Jan Niemi wrote:Give me your email addy, I'll send you a copy.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:49 pm
by Jon D
Jan Niemi wrote:Give me your email addy, I'll send you a copy.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 2:50 pm
by Dave_B
Jan Niemi wrote:Give me your email addy, I'll send you a copy.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 3:07 pm
by Bbasso
I'll make this simple...
This is Dustin (Admin). I am posting from my wife's account because the password has been changed on mine, and I have been locked out of all servers.

I have been fired from RelyNet, Inc.

Mike DiCarlo is the sole remaining employee of the company.

No future ZeroForum versions will ever be released by me.

From day 1 of's incorporation, Michael Dicarlo had promised me half of the company. Considering that I wrote *all* software that has made the company *any* money, this is what one would expect. However, Michael DiCarlo has refused until this day to give me the stock shares that guarantee me partial ownership of the company. I HAVE NOTHING. Knowing that I was going to get screwed, a couple of months ago I threatened to quit RelyNet 1/1/2006 if 49% of stock shares were not transferred to me. Michael Dicarlo signed a paper stating that he would indeed transfer these shares. I have this paper. However, instead of giving me the shares, he FIRED ME FROM MY OWN COMPANY SO THAT HE COULD HAVE IT ALL!

On May 14, 2005. Michael DiCarlo was my BEST MAN in my WEDDING. On 7/30/2005, Michael DiCarlo attended my sister's wedding. He shook my father's hand and smiled. On 8/1/2005 he fired me from my own company so that he could take complete control.

I showed up at work yesterday morning, and MICHAEL DICARLO had an El Dorado County Sheriff there to "greet me". Then in front of the Sheriff he says that he knows I possess many firearms and he did not want there to be an "incident". This from a guy I have known since the SECOND GRADE!!!

He had all of my possessions at work... my go kart parts, my development server etc packed up.... I was not even allowed to go back into my own office.

He even took my only cell phone, forcing me to purchase a cell phone on the way home to even CALL MY WIFE!

The admin 'dustin' you knew on honda-tech is gone. I do not know if or how Michael Dicarlo could possibly sleep at night, knowing what he has done.

Mike, you and I both know the truth. However, there is another that knows the entire story too, and it is God mike. You are getting 100% control of RelyNet, but it is at the expense of your eternal soul. I pray the Lord's wrath and justice on your life, Mike. You might think you've screwed me good.... but I have all that is good fighting on my side. The Lord has freed me from your evil, and simply not having you in my life, Mike, is one of the greatest reliefs I have ever felt. You were the source of evil ruining the happiness of Diane and I, and we are very happy to bring this chapter of our lives to a close.

Be warned Honda-Tech sponsors and other RelyNet customers, know where your money is going. It is going to one individual, who has no sense of morality or integrity. Does this sound like a person you want to sponsor?

You all can contact me at, as I have no access to any related services.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 3:22 pm
by Jan Niemi
Now that I re-read that, it sure seems Dustin is on a religious kick...maybe I'd fire the guy too..why, cuz I suck! :lol:

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 3:55 pm
by walker111
That sucks!!!! Mike D. is a fagg and hope he gets whats coming to him!!!

Although I would like to know the whole story! Maybe I'll make a post on HT asking to hear the whole story in public. Or maybe just get banned.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 4:23 pm
by Chris N
There's a lot of history to this all besides what was posted, but that was a rather disturbing event.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 4:23 pm
by Chris N
walker111 wrote:That sucks!!!! Mike D. is a fagg and hope he gets whats coming to him!!!

Although I would like to know the whole story! Maybe I'll make a post on HT asking to hear the whole story in public. Or maybe just get banned.
It will get deleted.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 4:24 pm
by Bbasso
Chris N wrote: It will get deleted.
Ya think :roll: ??

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 4:35 pm
by Dave_B
No way.... It will be just like many other threads there....

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 8:20 pm
by George Knighton
Jan Niemi wrote:Now that I re-read that, it sure seems Dustin is on a religious kick...
Dustin was raised in a Pentecostalist church. Although he left much of it behind, he was always spirtual.

Posted: November 2nd, 2005, 8:22 pm
by George Knighton
Chris N wrote:There's a lot of history to this all besides what was posted....

(1)Dustin has apologized for his comments and retracted them, and he has virtually disappeared to most Honda Tech people.

(2)Only two people know the whole story, and neither of them is giving permission to talk about it, nor is it likely that either of them has ever diseeminated the complete truth to any third party.

(3)Mike is the quieter one and has never gone off in any way like the post that Dustin made and asked people to keep. Mike has never really given his side of things to anybody in public. You shouldn't assume that the side you've heard about is the complete truth just because that's the side you've heard.

I miss Dustin, too, but I know that the post he made is nowhere near what he'd want you to remember..

Posted: November 4th, 2005, 3:24 pm
by 1Greyteg
George Knighton wrote:You shouldn't assume that the side you've heard about is the complete truth just because that's the side you've heard.

I miss Dustin, too, but I know that the post he made is nowhere near what he'd want you to remember..
Hence why I posted here.

Well, hope things work out for both of them.