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Seconday O2 Simulator

Posted: January 14th, 2006, 11:45 pm
by talktonight
Whats the scoop on O2 Simulators? Do they / can they replace your secondary O2 sensor? Do they work? IF so who makes a good one and where can you buy them from?

Here is the thing. I have a testpipe and I beleive my after-cat O2 is bad. I dont want to buy a new one cuz they're like 200$ and that's $$$ that could go twords a proformance mod. So if i can just buy a simulator and be gravey I'll be happy about that.

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 2:43 am
by JUN.R
never heard of them :?: :?: it's be kind of hard for me to think something can simulate an air/fuel mixture...

Posted: January 15th, 2006, 4:59 pm
by talktonight
well the secondary one reads hot and cold temp as apposed to air/fuel. with a testpipe there is nothing slowing down the exhaust so the sensor will read that its to hot meaning the cat is not doing its job. If the sensor is to cold it will also thow a code. I dont know how the simulator works or if it even dose. I think it works on voltage. Like it sends certian voltages for different temperatures.

So if anybody knows the skinny on O2 Simulartors please let me know. I'm thankful for any help. :)

Re: Seconday O2 Simulator

Posted: January 16th, 2006, 12:33 am
by Bbasso
I am not endorcing this product.

read up, and use google for more details.