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Tranny swapping?!
Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 2:34 am
by iheartDc2
hey i know this is a noob question, but how much would it cost to fully swap transmissions, to a type r tranny?
Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 2:55 am
by Sprockett
Well, considering this is a Type-R website with Type-R costs us nothing to have a Type-R transmission.
For the rest of the world, it's probably $500+ cost of transmission, which better not be stolen or we'll hunt you down.
Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 3:18 am
by iheartDc2
my dad basically built my engine and the tranny is from a '99 gs-r, and since my R r is a salvage title

we just put that tranny in.
Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 4:04 am
by Sprockett
Like I said, that's a general price...if you have some friends with a little knowlege, a place to do it, the tools, and some free time I'd suggest doing it yourself to save on the money. Hard part is finding the transmission, though. Check Honda-Tech first and then Ebay. Always inquire the ITR number the tranny came from though - too many stolen parts out there :\
Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 3:03 pm
by Jan Niemi
I paid $1650 + $50 shipping for my brand new ITR trans from Curry Acura. The labor was free, because I do my own wrenching.
Posted: February 2nd, 2006, 4:03 pm
by iheartDc2
hey THANKS ALOT! infact i do have a friend thaht also built his own car, and so i had him help me with mine, do you thionk it would not cost so much?
Also, when i'm buying from honda-tech, how do i know if its a trustworthy person?
Posted: February 3rd, 2006, 1:57 am
by Sprockett
ask if they have any vouches (people who have bought from them in the past and had good experiences). Most heavy sellers over there will have entire vouch threads where those who bought things will post their experience with that seller. I wouldn't buy anything from a new member either...that's just asking for trouble. Look at join date and post count, and contact them. Don't do everything over the internet, either - ask for a phone number and call them. People lie a lot worse when they're talking than when they can sit and type. Ask what year type-r it came from, what the number of the ITR was, and what the VIN number was. Most (95%) of people who have an ITR transmission will have that info readily available...the other 5% are either lying, selling stolen parts, or selling a second-hand transmission THEY bought from someone else. I wouldn't personally deal with those types...