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Drive Shaft issue..

Posted: March 12th, 2006, 11:54 am
by naDC2R
Not sure where i should post if its the wrong area, sorry!!

Anyways, i had to replace my left side drive shaft, and i noticed it only goes this far into the half this normal? the space where the screwdriver that ok? i cannot get it in more, it will not go.



Posted: March 12th, 2006, 8:06 pm
by Bbasso
I think that is where is goes, I'll crawl under my car tomorrow and see for you. Maybe even take a pic.

Posted: March 12th, 2006, 10:13 pm
by MikeB
Thats it!

Posted: March 13th, 2006, 12:13 pm
by Dave_B
Rob, this reminds me of a certain drive shaft issue we recently had. :lol:

Posted: March 13th, 2006, 3:10 pm
by Bbasso
which still needs to be fixed :roll:

Posted: March 13th, 2006, 5:09 pm
by naDC2R
well tomrrow im going to take it out for a spin, so hopefully nothing breaks, lol!