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Posted: October 16th, 2006, 10:40 am
by punkaddic
Jsuis vraiment un cave, dimanche soir en revenant du show de Pennywise jme suis endormi au volant et jai frappé dans le cul d'un jeep qui tirait un trailer. Un gros bravo pour l'imbécile que je suis :cry:
au moins personne est blessé mais l'itr est pas forte

Im a dumbass i know but last night i was coming back from a pennywise concert and i fall asleep driving my R, at least nobody got hurt. Insurance says its propably a total loss but they paying so im looking for another itr.


Posted: October 16th, 2006, 11:21 am
by Bbasso
glad all is ok!

Did the roof or quarterpanels buckle? how about the doors, are they still aligned?

If all is ok, then just put a nose on it and enjoy!

Posted: October 17th, 2006, 11:46 am
by bbqman
That looks pretty bad, but if your OK, thats all that counts.

Good luck on the new search......and don't forget your Timmies when you drive late night!!

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 6:10 pm
by punkaddic
Sorry for the english guys, im a frenchi but i can translate if you want

osti d'assurances, c'est juste une bande de crosseurs, sérieusement si vous êtes assurer chez desjardins je changerais de place. C'est bien simple je réussirai jamais à avoir un montant qui a de l'allure pour mon itr parce que sa vaut beaucoup trop cher (genre le double) sur le marché contrairement à ce que sa vaut dans les livres (red book, concessionnaire). Après fortes négociations pas moyen que les maudits assureurs monte leur prix d'une cenne :cry: Jsais pu koi faire, jsuis désespéré bin raide. Tsé ils veulent me donné 11k $ pi après sa ils vont revendre mon char accidenté pour genre 7-8k $

Posted: November 5th, 2006, 11:57 pm
by bbqman
All insurance companies play that game, it's no different with Desjardins.

What you have to do is quite simple. Refuse all settlement offers until you get one that looks like what it would cost to replace the car.
The best way to show what the car is worth, is buy showing classified ads with a very similar car for sale. get a few of these together and make your case.

I know it is frustrating, but the guys on the board won't change their minds.

As for the resale of the car, didn't you say that you were buying it back?

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 12:04 am
by bbqman

Check this guy out, he is fighting back. The outlook is positive.

Posted: November 6th, 2006, 1:05 pm
by punkaddic
I bought back the car, and the shell is now for sale. The complete car except engine swap

Posted: November 7th, 2006, 4:41 pm
by Major_Wolf
bbqman wrote:viewtopic.php?t=7636

Check this guy out, he is fighting back. The outlook is positive.
That guy is not lucky but he must fight if he want his cash back!

Faut absolument tu te bat avec les assurances,laisse pas sa tomber car tu va te faire fouré pas a peu près,un simple conseil!