Huge favor to ask for the Cincy crowd...

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Huge favor to ask for the Cincy crowd...

Post by Revvin'4ever »

Hey guys... Not asking anyone to go out of there way or anything and I hope no one minds me posting and asking this here, but I'm highly interested in this ITR posted above... My question is since I'm in NC, would anyone of you local members mind stopping by this place to just check out this car for me in advance and posting back what you find out or think about this caR? Or is anyone even familar with this particular dealership or know anything about them, good or bad?

It would be a TREMENDOUS help for me just to get someone to look and physically see this caR firsthand in detail before I get too over excited about it, or heck MAYBE even test drive it if possible and make sure it is as stated and how he described the caR... I've spoken with the guy who runs the place a few times already in detail about the caR and he seems like a standup kinda guy and pretty knowledgeable...

Thank you kindly,
Brandon :)