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Movie review: "Cloverfield (2008)"

Posted: January 27th, 2008, 6:04 am
by Bbasso
All I got to say is, I'm so glad I did not pay to see this movie! Are they kidding me???
I watched a horible copy so the picture sucked,,,, maybe that has to do with not liking the film, but really... complete "movie" filmed with the handicam effect. No way does that cut it for me. Then the plot, what plot? people at a party, the guy filming was annoying, the big bug rips up the joint and little ones run a muck bitting people, then these two characters are blown the f up. I for one would not have been holding a camera while all that happened, And that dude who goes back for the girl? Be for real... Yeah great film, can't wait for part two :roll:

My last thought on this so called "movie" BOO!

Does anyone else agree :?: Probably not :?

Re: Movie review: "Cloverfield (2008)"

Posted: January 29th, 2008, 7:35 pm
by white rocket
Good to know. I figured the whole "handy cam" perspective would be a bit much.

Guess we have to hand it to J.J. Abrams; he even makes movies that no one understands. LOL!!!!