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Joined: October 21st, 2006, 2:10 pm
Location: Long Beach, Arizona


Post by stayonpause »

I had a compression test done on my 2000 Type R and it is low I am getting less then 100 which normally should be between 185-200. My block is leaking really bad.I am not sure what to do should I do a rebuild or just find me a short block thats already assembled.

If I go with the rebuild what parts should I go with as far as bearings oem or acl what would be the difference. I would want all the bearings ordered before I start taking my motor apart. From what I heard I would actually have to take all my motor apart before I can find out which color and size bearings I need.

Also, which piston to run with my car if I have to bore it out. Should I just go with OEM oversize JDM piston.

Would anyone know where I could find a short block already assembled for sale?

Also, Could I use any block ie. gsr,b20 for more hp and torque? Would that be compatible with a type r head? What would be the plus and minuses?
