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Motor Mounts - Engine Mounts - how do I dignose problems

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 1:45 am
by aussieitr

As the title suggests - how do you diagnose worn/damaged engine mounts ?

Are the any simple tests that I can do ?

Do ITR's have a history of wearing them ? (a search suggests not)

Thaks for your help !


Re: Motor Mounts - Engine Mounts - how do I dignose problems

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 3:45 am
by Bbasso
Pretty simple. I think...
With the motor off, Can you move the motor with your bare hands? More then an inch in either direction when pushing on the valve cover?
The other test you will need an other person. Put the Parking brake on, go into first gear and torque load the motor. If it moves more then an inch I would start looking at the motor mounts.
I did the test years ago and found I had three bad mounts. If you ever look at the mounts while not in the car you will see the weak part and how it can break. So I bought the JimFab mounts and never looked back. Sadly Jim of JimFab stop making the mounts shortly after I got them.

That rear mount is a PIA to remove/install...

Re: Motor Mounts - Engine Mounts - how do I dignose problems

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 7:21 am
by aussieitr

Thanks for the quick response - I'll try the simple test first and try and rock the motor, the loaded test if I discover nothing.

I'm pretty time poor at the moment - I might get the shop to install new mounts if they (any of them) are broken. I have to admit I have never looked too hard are the way the motor is installed - I take it its not a pull motor job - just jacks and swearing ?


Re: Motor Mounts - Engine Mounts - how do I dignose problems

Posted: July 28th, 2008, 7:23 am
by Bbasso
If you can turn a few wrenches... you can change the mounts.
DIY ;)