I thought I would start the thread now...White Dragon wrote: I would say the majority stay in the same hotel - (which will be named in the near future), and several camp. Considering the cost difference, if you like to camp, it could save you a lot of money. Once we get closer to the event and we have the minimum number of students we need, a camping thread usually starts and the specifics are hashed out there.
I know it's a bit early and with only being in winter it makes it hard to think about sleeping outdoors, But If there is some interest in camping now it might lead to a bigger group later.
So who at this point is in for Camping?
I'll start

If your 100% going to camp, then put yourself on the list
#1- Bbasso
#2- ______
To get some motivation here... watch this Video!!!
http://www.we-todd-did-racing.com/wetod ... ZkMzF5NTQx