July BBQ in NYC !!!

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Post Whore!!
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July BBQ in NYC !!!

Post by Bbasso »


For those who missed the last ITR meet, It's time to start putting another one together!!!

Let me start off by saying Thank You to everyone that showed up for the last meet. Now I hope to see those people PLUS more ITRs and their owners. :thumbup: :thumbup:

Now I have thought of a few dates for the upcoming meet, How about a July 4th BBQ?
Other meeting dates are listed in the poll.
The choice is up to you.

The meet starts at 11:00 am and the BBQ would be lit at Noon. And after the food and drinks are all gone we could take a drive into Manhattan for pictures
or just hangout till we get kicked out :P

I'm working on a place that can hold all of us and let us have a BBQ, I will have a spot in a few days so don't worry.

Now for the fine print.
To those that came to my last meet w/o an ITR, you're welcome to come again. For those that want to come this time w/o an ITR, Sorry but I want this to stay ITRs only. In other words, If you can't drive your ITR to the meet or be a passenger in one then you can't come. This event is posted in the ITR forum for a reason. I will be asking around if some of the better photographers will come down to snap some shots... If your a good pic snapper and want to come then step up and say so =)

If you had an ITR and want to come then IM me, we'll discuss ;)

If you know a friend with an R, jump in with him or her and come!

But for security reasons leave the places OFF the thread. Contact me about locations. As always You are responsible for your own actions. So keep it with in the law. Please come with good intentions.

If your interested in coming and have questions please post them here or IM me with them. For a safety concern we are going to meet at a very neutral place to
weed out the undesirables Before we head to the BBQ spot.


Please come with a $15.00 donation for BBQ needs, I'll lay it out but would like to get it back. On this note I'll need to have a list of confirmed people
attending at least one week prior to go shopping for all the stuff.
If you have special eating needs, Please contact me thru IM and tell me what you need- Or just bring it.

Bring chairs and what ever you feel like carrying, I'm not sure if the place will have enough seating for everyone. I'll Bring a light for night time and radio.

So... Please vote for which date you will be able to come and the date with the most votes on June 30th will be the date of the BBQ.

Thank you for placing a vote for the date that best fit you. Once again sorry about the dates on the first thread, I would be unable to host a party in August or September.

If you have any ideas or thougths on how to make this BBQ better, please post them.

To vote please click the link under the date.
July 2nd is a Saturday.
July 3rd is a Sunday.
July 4th is a Monday.
July 23rd is a Saturday.
July 30th is a Saturday.
July 17th is a Sunday.
Type X
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Posts: 2
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Post by Type X »

i have a 2006 civic si and am pretty well known on the other boards

email me if this is open to "outsiders"

just registered today for some 5 lug te37's in your FS forums 8)
Type X
New ITRCA Member
Posts: 2
Joined: February 1st, 2006, 10:40 am

Post by Type X »

Post Whore!!
Posts: 6571
Joined: September 25th, 2002, 1:21 am
Location: South Carolina !

Post by Bbasso »

You are a year too late for the BBQ.
And I don't know you...